Halved? Quarters? Spit ball range?
Hopefully it's still usable. Just wish they had fixed their ADS glitch and dropped the range by half.
Edit: consensus seems to be its kinda doo doo compared to what it used to be capable of (sans glitch). Guess it's time to hang up my spurs... RIP thorn killer :(
Tried to use it in crucible last night and it just feels so... off. Thing bucks more then the time I yelled my gf's sisters name in bed (jk).
I think bungie wanted the TTK with hipfire shots to vary with victim's armor stat, similar to pulse rifles. The problem is, [u]everyone[/u] specs their armor high so even if you are at point blank it will take one extra hit on everyone except level 4s.
TLW is how it should be. It takes steady aim to kill at medium range and whilst firing from the hip, you [b]can[/b] kill at close range.
Its working as intended. ADS cant snipe long range enemies and less reliable on medium ranges. If you hip fire it a lot like i do its still strong short to mid range. Ads is really bad on it I tend to miss shots that is supposedly a hit.
Very bad [spoiler]mwhahahahaHAHA[/spoiler]
Not as bad as people say.
You can't snipe people across the map any more.
My necrochasm beat out thw tlw
It's been nerfed to oblivion. Don't even bother trying to use it.
TLW became bad for ppl who used to aim or glitch it but for ppl who hip fire it was buffed.
I'll just wait for the First Curse
Let's just say I mowed down a couple guys that were using it yesterday with the Suros regime lol.
If u don't ads is good so if u use it right ur fine if u don't it's terrible
Never ads. Ads stability is TERRIBLE now.. just bounces all over the place and the range is horrible. Hip fire is still beastly tho.
As it should be.
It's [i]much, much[/i] easier to beat with almost anything now. Hip fire still wrecks me though.
I dunno i tried using it yesterday and never come up against someone 1v1 and kept getting lit up by auto rifles, only has time for 2 games
As bad as thorn, it gets outgunned by shadow price. Our lord and savior is finally back xD
Tried it once to see and yeah you can tell. I wasn't much of a TLW user but for those that are you're not realistically gonna use it in 'shotgun' mode considering that weapons like Matador and Felwinters are still wiping you out at Death Star range
It's ok,Hawkmoon is the new king.Even tells you if missed shots were lucky or not :)
Garbage now. The stability is ass so you have to time your shots. Now why not just use a normal hand Cannon that has more impact if your going to time your shots anyway
Pretty bad tbh. I feel like it is RNG whether I kill a shotgun rusher now because hip fire doesn't even want to help me out and ADSing is crazy. Thorn got off very lightly compared to TLW which sucks. Better off using a shotgun to defend against shotguns now.
It's awful now
Just played about 7 games with it and did just fine using it. Some people are being over dramatic when they say is sucks now. However the difference is definitely noticeable and the damage drop off outside of mid range is absolutely massive. I literally wouldn't even attempt to engage in a gun fight outside of mid range with it now. I did notice in some gun fights even while hip firing at close range that the hit detection seemed off a bit and a few shots were not registering. Overall from my few games with TLW it still is a very good weapon, run a sniper as your secondary and you will be fine.
Boneezy is completely right. If the distance is there, you're not so well off. Inside though, you can still wreck.
Still great inside fusion rifle distance. Outside of that forget it
It's my favorite gun in the game, wanted it since the first trailers of destiny. I remember seeing a hunter with a Young Ahamkara's Spine fan firing into shanks at the 3 Servitor part of the nexus. My eyes lit up like a child on Christmas morning, only gun I've wanted. It made me sad to see it taken advantage of pre-2.0 but I just outgunned everyone using it since most of the people using it, along with Thorn, are pretty bad players in general. I had all the intention in the world to use it on 2.0 but I used it and it's trash now, to be honest. You can't aim down sights due to its nerf and the hand cannon blanket nerf, and you can't even hip fire, YOU CANT HIP FIRE, the whole design that this gun revolves around and it can't do it. So many instances where I had the crosshairs on there head and it would somehow miss. I could see the bullet actually missing when I had my crosshair on the enemy. What bullshit. Anyway, that's my story. If we can all have a moment of silence for The Last Word. Gone but never forgotten. RIP 2014-2015 I cri evry tiem