Apparently Bungie didn't realize Auto Rifle would become ridiculous again, because they're disgustingly strong.
To be honest they are to easy to use and do to much damage just sayin
Stfu you Whiney piece of cheese
Really? Didn't pick up on that in the very brief time I was in the Crucible. I used a shotgun and it still worked fine.
If the person is in close to medium range and gets the drop on you, then yeah they are gonna kill you. Have to get close now with shotguns and hand cannon
Suros is. The others are pretty bad. Especially now that field scout doesn't work.
Liking the Necrocasm, not so much the Suros. Everything seems even though so far.
OP opinion not relevant. One Lvl 34. Used tlw and Her benevolence. Probably hasent tried all weapons.
Their pretty balanced now, except for Hardlight. Monte seems a little underpowered too. Shotguns are still OP lol, they haven't changed at all
Please shoot a gun and hear it taste
They're not, equal with pulse and scout so far.
are you joking..? i thought they sucked.. while shotguns remained ridiculously good.. -.-
I feel like the reason they were nerfed back then was because of people like you. I enjoy the fact that I get to use my Vanquisher from year 1 new monarchy . GoodDay to you
Get the hell out of here with that shit an go play something else if its to much for you
ARs could probably still use a bit more of a buff in reality.
Please shut the f@$k up
Shut up Meg.
Is there no pleasing this community ?
Please delete your account. Thank you.
Haha. Already some one complaining. What else is new.
Are you being serious? Dude, their damage went up by 1 or 2 points. That's not even enough to make a difference in the TTK most of the time.
Here's your prescription sir. A lifetime supply of Quitcherbitchin and Getoverital, please take one dose every day.
Ahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha Earlier today I seen a poll on the forum asking how long it would take for people to complain about auto rifles, I commented and said 1 hour. The poll options were in the months. Nice to see I wasn't far off.
Of course, here it is folks. First day of the patch and someone claiming its op...