This is a completely unneeded topic, I'm a Christian, however it is pretty much impossible to prove anything, even if there was proof of God, some people would still not believe, people will believe what they want.
Wrong. Many things can be proven. This topic is needed to educate idiots like you.
Your saying I need to stop, your the idiot, your the one who dosnt want God to exist, thus you are blind to all the proof he exists.
[quote]Your saying I need to stop, your the idiot, your the one who dosnt want God to exist, thus you are blind to all the proof he exists.[/quote] 1) You call me an idiot, yet you use the incorrect form of "you're" three times in the same sentence. Dumbass. 2) Who said I don't want him to exist? Want and know are two very different words. 3) There is no proof that he exists, idiot. Chill, and stop being so autistic.
There is proof, Dead Sea scrolls, fossils, bible. And there is more that I don't feel like listing, and I find it funny that you are so desperate to win this agreement that your pointing out my incorrect typing. lol
None of that is proof of God. Fossils are actually evidence against him. If you think the Bible is evidence of God, you're -blam!-ing retarded. Is a Spider-Man book proof of Spider-Man?
I'm not gonna get into this fight, your blind, that's your prob, I'm outta here
Hypocrite much? Your post pretty strictly talked about how there is no way to prove a god exists, yet here you say there are?
Saying that people will believe whatever they want, and there is proof of that in evolution, there is no proof that life can spring from nothing and yet, people believe it.
[quote]Many things can be proven[/quote] Where did you get "we can prove God" from? Idiot. Learn how to read.
He was referring to religion dumbass. Obviously he knows many things can be proven. How about you learn to read.
So? Religion and God aren't interchangeable words. We can prove and disprove many things about religion. Seriously, are you autistic?
Please, read your own post. There isn't a way to prove or disprove religion.
[quote]We can prove and disprove [i]many things about religion.[/i][/quote] Did I say all of religion? No, just certain things. For example, the story of Noah's Ark is impossible. On the other hand, there are historical documents of a man called Jesus (whether or not he's the son of God is impossible know). You done making yourself look like a -blam!-ing retard?
Noah's ark isn't impossible. Name how it is?
Are you actually retarded? 1) Where did the animals come from? 2) How did they all fit on one small boat? It's impossible. 3) Why didn't they eat each other or Noah? 4) Where did the water come from/go? 5) How could we get so much genetic diversity in only 6000 years from only 2 animals of each type? That's impossible. 6) Do you really think humans became this wife-spread and diverse from the incestual relations of Noah's family? There are far more, but I'm not gonna waste my time on you.
Every single one of these questions can be answered easily. It's impossible to have a professional debate with someone like you, when you try to insult the other person and build yourself up.
No, they actually can't, which is why you aren't answering them. Please go be autsitic somewhere else.
Me responding to this won't change your mind, and you insulting me won't change my mind. You should reconsider the amount of time you waste on the internet boosting your ego and insulting people. My purpose here is to save people. What is yours?
Mine is also to save people, but from idiocy, illogical beliefs, and cancers like you. Again, the fact that you're not even trying to debate is pathetic. Just goes to show that even you think your beliefs are ridiculous.