Firstly they're classes, not races. Secondly its a matter of opinion. Even if one is more over powered than another, one person could do really well.
Edit: If you say HunterExomasterrace its not. Exos may be a race but hunters are not. Exos, awoken, and humans is the most you can single it out.
#(class) Maestur Raec.
Ok you're right. #sunbreakermasterrace #defendermasterrace #strikermasterrace
#Warlockmasterclass #Titanmasterclass #Huntermasterclass I guess they all equal...
[spoiler]Warlock Master Race[/spoiler]
This is what I took from this post: #TitanMasterRace
Awoken master race
You know the "master race" phrase is a joke right? Rent a sense of humor will ya?
#titanmasterrace #warlocks are women in dresses #hunter are dancing fairies
you sound really butthurt over something as simple as #titanmasterrace If I used #titanreich, would that be better?
Warlock master of masters
#warlockmasterclass Happy?
Chill man
You don't have a 34 Titan
How's about mute anyone who said "(insert here)master race"
Is this still a thing?