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Edited by the_mouse_man121: 9/21/2015 7:23:24 PM

Lore: VoG is not what you think it is!

Hello community I am the mouse man and I bet there are a few things that you don't know about the vault of glass. So today I'm going to explain in depth using physics the VoG's time bending experiments. So to begin with let's explain where the VoG is. Now this may seem odd but it is critical to this theory. So many believe VoG to reside on venus now you're sort of right and sort of wrong. Now I'm going to explain this as best I can and as simple as possible so bare with me. Now the vault may appear to be on Venus but then creatures such as the gorgons couldn't exist. Why? I here you ask. Well its the most simple and basic paradox, "The grandfather paradox". Essentially they erase you from existence but since you were never born you would never go into the vault therefore you would never be erased so on an so forth. So how do they exist then? It's because the VoG exists in a pocket dimension. So whats one of those? A pocket dimension is a dimension within a dimension. I know dimensionception. So what does this mean? Well since it's in its own dimension the laws of time and space are different. This allows for the time bending happenings of the VoG to happen. But this is not the end. Pocket dimensions take up space and the key things to create a universe or in our case a pocket dimension are space, mass and energy. So lets focus on the space part. Pocket dimensions need space to exist and where ever they exist thats what laws of space and time they obide to. This leads me on to my next point "The Void". Now their have already been widely believed theories that state that the VoG exists in the void and I do believe it does here's why. We know that the traveller emerged from seemingly nowhere to arrive in our solar system so maybe teleportation then. Well thats actually it as we know the traveller came from where it was before through the void to be found on Mars. In the many theories on teleportation there is one that you may be familiar with that explains this. Now fans of the Half Life series will probably know about Zen which is kind of what this theory talks about. So there are 2 types of teleportation cross border world and orbital border world teleportation. Cross boarder world is going through the space between spaces or in half life's case Zen to reach your destination. Orbital border world is were you go around the space between spaces. So how does this fit in, well in the space between spaces the laws of physics are different because its the space between atoms and as any advanced physicist will tell you at the atomic level the laws of the universe are warped and can be rather different the smaller you go. Now does changed laws of space and time sound familiar. The VoG resides in the void on such a small scale the laws of reality are very different. So to sum up, the VoG resides in the void aka the space between spaces on such a small scale that its nearly nanoscopic and crucially the laws of physics as we know then are very different. But hey its just a theory a destiny theory thanks for reading (+1 if you get the reference). Thanks once again for reading I know this ones a very long one and I hope you enjoyed. If you did read right to the very end have yourself a cookie. And for those who couldn't be bothered to read... [b]TL:DR: VoG resides outside our world and its so small that it can break the laws of physics. [/b] Edit: Fixed my incorrect physics I am deeply sorry if I offended anyone but I was extremely tired when I typed this and I am typing this on my phone as my computer is broken. I will work on my grammar. Edit 2: 150 replies holy blam! Edit 3: We're trending this has made my day. Thanks so much! Edit 3: 200 you guys are insane

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  • But Venus bounties can be completed in the vault, and therefore it's Venus.

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  • AND NOW TO YOU. Your theory makes no sense. I'm not sure if it is because you can't explain it well or because it legitimately doesn't make sense. A pocket universe is very legitimate but your explanation is not. Basically Praedyth is proof that there are multiple universes/timelines. If there weren't, when he got erased from existence they would not be able to bring him back no matter what they do because they would not remember removing him in the first place. So they simply removed him from this timeline. Knowing who he is they were able to bring him back into our timeline (in the TTK). That out of the way, since we know there are multiple timelines, the Vault exists in all timelines. It's the point at which everything intersects which is why we have the conflux of time. So when you walk into the Vault you're actually leaving your timeline. The void is the space outside of the Vault of Glass, it's not necessarily the space in between worlds, it's just that nothing exists outside of the vault when we are inside of it. The Vault when we are raiding isn't the same Vault when we are doing story missions. In the story missions you aren't surrounded by the void because you're in your own dimension and timeline. That's how people can send signals in and out via com channels. But when you're raiding it would be impossible to get on the coms with someone because in that dimension the only thing that exists is the Vault. If you're confused about how two different things can exist in the same space at the same time, it's because of how the particles are vibrating. If two of the universes vibrate at the same frequency, they end up colliding and destroying one another. So while they vibrate at different frequencies Universe A can exist in B and C and so on an infinite amount of times. If you start in Universe A and go to the vault, it's possible to leave the vault and be in Universe B if you're vibrating on that frequency which is entirely possible to manipulate (esprcially for the Vex). But for all intents and purposes you go back to your own universe because that is the easiest one for you to go back to because it is your universe of origin. Take note, aside from raiding, you always get into the vault by some cause from within our universe. So when you go in you're going into our Vault of Glass, not the raid Vault of glass. When you raid, you send a signal that opens the "Convergance" Vault (the vault that is in a pocket universe) and you enter it. That is one of the only ways to get into this specific Vault. Going in it is one door leading to two different (but the same) places. Going out it is one door leading to an infinite amount of places. Now back to Kabir and Co. They all got lost in time. They weren't completely destroyed. Why? Because matter/energy cannot be destroyed, only changed (in this case moved/displaced). Remnants of them were scattered throughout time and space when they were removed from our timeline. Kabir used the last of his light to make the relic and put it in every single Vault of Glass in every single reality for the soul purpose of defeating Atheon. Because when you step away from the video game, the reality is that the only way to get out of the Vault is either to be allowed out by the Vex or to defeat the Vex controlling it and leave. Without the relic, you can't beat the vex and you can't leave. That's why you wipe when you lose the relic. Pretty much everything in the Vault will make you cease to exist. If they don't kill you. They keep you prisoner and you become aware of the timelessness and imprisonment. But as far as people on your timeline are aware, you never existed. The only reason stuff like the weapons and gear being references to the people in the vault is becsuse magic. This game is science fiction and magic put together. The Guardians powers aren't some sci-fi technological know-how, they're "the light" which essentially is magic. Magic is limitless but still needs to abide by the laws of physics and so does the vault of glass. VOG and the Vex simply manipulate physics to a degree that is very difficult for humans to understand. As for Praedyth specifically because we have a mission involving him. What could have happened on his end was the following: He was stuck in an eternal loop where he is doomed to fail. He is constantly trying to achieve his goal but fails and repeats the process again and again and again. He's "skipping through time" and he continuasly hasn't failed yet, but has failed, and will fail again and is entirely aware of the situation he is in. The Taken come to -blam!- shit up and the Vex retaliate by getting Guardians to come the only way they know how: using a guardian in distress. So they take Praedyth from his "cell" and place him in our timeline. This allows him to send out a com signal to ask for help. The Guardians come to save Praedyth from the Vex who actually are getting you to save them from the Taken. As soon as you defeat the Taken in the Vault, the Vex remove Praedyth from our timeline again and at some point leave him for dead in our Vault of glass centuries before we got there. There is no actual evidence of the skeleton being his and if it is how much time passed in Praedyth's perception between the point where we last hear from him and he dies. The latter is very important to consider because he may come back in our timeline's future. The Vex basically gifted us by letting us know that Kabir and Co existed but didn't actually release the survivng members. The scary thing is the Vex couldn't fight the Taken and needed our help to save themselves.

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    5 Replies
    • Shit intro. Won't Read

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      • A throne room is a universe created by a powerful being. Like oryx, he has a throne room. Where his sword is law. Where he is the law of the land. Where he is the end of ends. The vex have a universe of their own as well. Crota cut a whole into their universe. Where they rain supreme.

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        4 Replies
        • All I got from this is ILLUMINATI CONFIRMED!!!

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        • The vault is the vex way of making a throne room

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            When I read the part about pocket dimensions, it reminded me of the exotic weapon Pocket Infinity. The description says, "You cannot shake the feeling that this is less a weapon than a doorway." And in the grimoire for the Vex Slap Rifle, "...In non-combat situations, the Slap Rifle seems like it might serve as a viable field transmitter, construction tool, navigational beacon, network repeater, or any of a number of other utility functions." Pocket Infinity grimoire, "Fireteam Tuyet died in the Ishtar Sink, hunting the secrets of the Vex. They must have come too close to something precious...The data they gathered helped forge the Pocket Infinity..." I think that something, that they found was a way to traverse the different pocket dimensions and/or Vex networks. The Vanguard interpreted the data as a way to make a weapon but what if it wasn't meant to be just a weapon? The Vex meant it to be a multi-functional tool but all the Vanguard came up with was a weapon.

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            • The Grandfather Paradox would have no bearing on your past "self", as you entered the VoG at a specific time in the past. Being "locked out of time", you would only be erased from the point you entered the Vault.

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              2 Replies
              • Any advanced physicist will tell you[spoiler]OP is a fgt.[/spoiler]

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                • I thought this was obvious..

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                • Okay, but where's your evidence in game? Nothing in the lore mentions different dimensions and the like.

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                  2 Replies
                  • God in all these theories you people get the traveler wrong. Why ignore the fact the traveler was with the fallen before it came to humanity? And this info about VOG is pretty obvious if you read the grimoire.

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                  • Good theory. But too much for my inferior mind to handle!

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                    • Game theory!!!! Gimme my +1

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                      2 Replies
                      • The vault of glass is just that a vault. There's nothing in the lore that even hints to it being a different dimension, considering the way vex portals work those portals only take us through time. It different dimensions. The vault of glass is a vex structure buried deep beneath Venus that houses atheon times conflux (he basically controls all vex portals) and he is protected by the Templar and gorgons. It's not another dimension but rather a very complex vex structure/base.

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                        • :)

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                        • Edited by Kio: 9/7/2015 9:36:21 PM
                          Cool, so you are saying that the shrinking smaller than an atom in [i]Ant Man[/i] was correct?

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                          • Good read. But I have a question. With the vog being in a separate dimension, wouldn't the gorgon be able to erase you from time in that dimension and not our own? Almost the samething as the movie The One with Jet Li

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                            2 Replies
                            • Very cool.

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                              • Ok we all know by now that the vog is just a space pizza that consistently resets itself because the asshat that is delivering it cant make it to the customer in 30 or less ... Which makes it free... So it resets and trys again... Pizza = deej Delivery guy= kabr Customer= us Reset reset reset till.... We throw money at the screen... Or wait.. Is deej the delivery guy? And im the pizza? Or ummm kabr's the bike and bungie is the customer ... No wait! ... Um.. Hmm... Who wants a pizza ? Fuk this time shit...

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                              • Very cool.

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                              • Reply for later

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                                • Edited by Cromica: 9/7/2015 4:45:37 PM
                                  The main designer of VoG is the same person that uses the phrase "throw money at the screen". While your theory is interesting, it gives far to much credit this man.

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                                  5 Replies
                                  • That explains how I've been doing 2 hours when it felt like 30 minutest

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                                  • Did not read.

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                                    • Edited by xelon99: 9/7/2015 5:01:24 PM
                                      Then the main question is... where does one enter the picket dimension? Is it straight up when the Vault opens? After the Templar? Is the Gorgon Maze the entrance? I have a feeling that in this case, the Oracles are both the defenders and the opening of this border, more or less like Vortigaunts in HL1. By destroying them all, one opens the portal to the dimension. If not destroyed fast enough, you'll be left behind and thrown ouside of the transition, leaving you in a limbo between dimensions. These oracles would only be activated when the vault is opened properly and the confluxes are formed, which Skolas' party did not do, thus they forced the Oracles to spawn. And Skolas did succeed to some extent, as we seen in the final mission. The Templar here is the gatekeeper, with the task of judging those who enter the dimension through this entrance. Whereas the Gorgons are simple surveillance.

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