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Edited by DarthBrando: 9/6/2015 5:52:44 PM
Since we dont know the energy they used; and 99%+ IS DESIGNED to miss and the blast area is 2,000,000x LARGER than the galaxy (they are designed to overlap to work and might not if they dont) that being said THERE IS NO WAY TO KNOW what the limit of targets the halo network can destroy; IF you had ENOUGH BIOMASS to absorb the energy, then there COULD STILL BE BIOMASS THAT SURVIVES! (Armor piercing rounds go through ARMOR not BUNKERS) Also my calculations WERE NOT to gauge the energy the weapon used; but to gauge the amount of MASS DISPLACED/DISTROYED by the reactions the weapons PRODUCE when hitting their targets! (In other words measure their effective& average destructive capability/capacity by measuring what they ARE DESIGNED to destroy)

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