lol I have been very calm about TTK.
And she( my lady) knows it. Every time we are at the movies, and the TTK preview comes on, or on TV, or on an add on pandora in the car, she gives me a eery and suspicious stare. All I see is her head turn towards me slowly, I see though my peripheral vision her put a tiny smirk on and just wait for me to explode in excitement, all so she can plan a devious plan for me to not play.
But I am content. I will not give in to her trickery. She wants me to get excited and emotional about this gaming expansion that we will all get our greasy hands on come September 15th.
It won't happen my fellow guardians.
I will prevail.
I will become legend.
And I will march into GameStop come September 15th, pick up my physical collectors edition and bathe in excitement from winning in Glorious battle !
I have to go. She's calling me :/.
I have never seen or heard an ad for ttk outside of youtube. Probably good because it would make the waiting worse
That sucks. My fiancée bought me destiny and a ps4.
Lol. Luckily my wife games as well.
She games. But only on my Super Nintendo or my N64. She only plays old school since it's easier for her. super Mario only Sometimes Mario kart.
I wish I still had my 64. Cool stuff bud