Nothing you say will ever change my believes. God changed me.
Typical closed-minded christian. You're what's wrong with the world.
How so?
Because you're blind, and unwilling to accept new knowledge or facts. You're a stubborn idiot.
Also notice how I can accept your beliefs, you should try it
Edited by Noiselesspurse17: 9/6/2015 8:32:02 PMWhy would I accept your autistic beliefs if they go against science?
I can, I just won't because none of it outweighs the Bible. Don't say the Bible is false, don't waste your breath
Well, it is, and there's no evidence to support that any of it is true, so.... Keep on ignoring science, kid. People like you should be euthanized.
Wow that's harsh. I'm what's wrong with the world?
That makes you a typical closed minded idiot. You mean to say that if absolute proof that god doesn't and never did exist was put infront of you that you would still believe he does? It is that attitude that holds the human race back. That's the difference between atheists and people like you, an atheist will accept facts and change there mind based on said facts but people like you won't.
Why so much hate man? Just let us believe. You want to be so hateful towards God and christianity? Thats your choice. You cant change anyone nor will those "facts" change us. There never will be nor has there been actual facts of God not existing.
You totally missed the point of that comment and it contains no hate towards the religious. It is a comment on the absolute closemindedness of the person I responded to. I mean honestly he says nothing anyone says will ever change his mind, and that is a terrible mindset to have. If absolute proof that there was no god was placed infront of you would you ignore it or would you accept the facts?
Well my apoligies, i was reading some other comments and i was thinking of that towards someone else. But thats the thing, God made us so that our most intellegent is the most unintellegent to God's intellegence, hes so great that theres no fact that can prove his nonexistence!
The question wasn't if it can be proved, the question was a hypothetical of if god was totally with out doubt disproved would you change your beliefs, and you failed to answer.
So then your saying you believe God exists? And basically what i'm trying to say is there can't be proof God doesnt exist, even if it's "hypothetical"
No I don't believe god exists, however if absolute proof was placed infront of me that he did I would change my stance on the matter. Now I have answered the question you asked and gave you my answer to my question so will you show me the same courtesy? Ignore if it would be possible to prove or disprove god, if god was absolutely disproved would you still believe? Why are you dodging the question?
Im not dodging that question. I have answered. There would be no possible way a fact like that would exist. But if it makes you happy, I would still believe because of all the amazing things he's done for me, I wouldn't turn my back on him because I simply wouldnt believe that "fact".
That is a terrible mindset to have and honestly, I feel sorry for you.
Feel sorry for me? Dont be. Im enjoying the grace of God knowing im loved and forgiven of my sins. Im sorry for you that you wont even try to experience this. But hey, just know your loved by the creator and he wants to have a relationship with you. Peace.
I was actually raised as a Christian even had a bishop in the family, went to church every Sunday, hell I was even an alter boy so don't presume so much. I do however feel sorry for you because you are so deeply programmed that even in light of irrefutable evidence your beliefs wouldn't change.
Going to church does not equal being a Christian in any way.
No shit Sherlock, now see if you can solve the mystery of the dumbarse who made the captain obvious comment.
Ah thats unfortunate. Dont be sorry man, I hope you find your place again.
I have found my place and honestly, when I determined that god was a myth and religion was created for the purpose of controlling people, that was the most liberating experience of my life. Now I am not saying you shouldn't believe, but you should definitely not be so closed minded.
"God" is a creation of man to give them peace in hard times, but times are changing we no longer need to believe in "God" anymore.