Recently got the messenger with solar burn on my latest trip to the lighthouse and feel like this gun is a laser beam - two burst kill on people from a distance never felt so good. Is this possibly the best pulse rifle in destiny? Plus it is a viable legendary primary rather than using an exotic in that slot, meaning truth can be used (or perhaps a new TTK exotic). Also counters well against thorn and the last word with its range. Also consider that hand cannons will be nerfed soon - will pulse rifles take over the crucible?
I love the messenger I out gun hand cannons all day rack up 30-40 kills with just that gun
Pulse rifles are the warriors of year one. They stand against the push of hand cannons. Try Red Death, and other pulse rifles in the same caliber. You will get different, pleasant results.
The Messenger is a poor man's Hopscotch Pilgrim.
The Messenger will be useless in less than 2 weeks
I used to use thorn or last word. Since I got the messenger I haven't used anything else. It's a beast. Word of advice (if u haven't done so already) give it the max stability instead of range. It still has massive range and hits pinpoint. The stability actually helps keep your bullets on point when shooting across the map.
You bet your butt pulse rifles will grow in popularity! Why wouldn't the next iteration of monstrously powerful killing machines not flood in and develop the kind of nerf chanting be the pulse rifle? Ultimately, all this meta stuff just bores me about the crucible. Even the skilled players, beyond people so stupidly good they could kill you by spitting at you, gravitate to the simplest tool to kill. I know that the name of the game is kill or be killed, but even if i kill you, the fact that you use the strongest weapon depresses me. Not because I killed you anyway, but that you have removed the challenge from yourself and that feels sad to me. And yes, I have used Thorn in Crucible. They said kill it a hand cannon and that is pretty much foolproof, even for this fool.
It is what I use primarily in the crucible. Idk if it is the best though. Hopscotch Pilgrim is a close contender.