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originally posted in:The Overlords of Heresy
Edited by HERETICOVERLORD: 9/6/2015 12:48:11 AM

Chapter 3, The story of three Overlords, The Horned Kell, Episode 3

Cuban, Manhatton and I are on our way to Venus. Cuban Radios Redreksis to let him know we won't be back today or possibly longer. Redreksis seems concerned he asks if he can come along but Cuban says no well Radio you if we need any help. He then closes the comms channel. I ask Manhatton about the Vex he explains they are Biological machines they are dangerous they are capable of teleportation and react quickly to threats there are legions of them. Cuban seems upset to be going back to the Vault but at the same time eager. I feel like I'm ready I make sure my Arc sword is Sharp Cuban Forms his Nanites into a blade its longer than before then turns it into a Shield. Manhatton makes sure the Ammo is prepped I oil the Last word in preparation for our mission I want it running Smoothly. As we Land our ship. Cuban grabs a heavy machine gun by the Bay door as well a High Caliber sniper Rifle. Thorn Seems to be feeding off of his Hatred for the Vex as it's Green Eyes Glow a Vibrant Green. Manhatton Seems to be on edge for the First time. He takes a Pulse Rifle a Shotgun and a Rocket Launcher. I decide that I'll need to take more than Just my sword and Handcannon I go through our Weapons chest and find a shotgun I decide I'll travel lightly and not take a heavy weapon. As we off board the Ship we can see Vex in the Distance patrolling the area around the Vault. Cuban Scales a tree and leaps to a ledge on the cliff face above the ship using his sniper he observes the Patrols movements Around the Vault. It doesn't take long before he has a plan We'll take out the patrol's and then defend the Vex Sync plates as long as we control them we will be able to enter the Vault of glass. Cuban Fires Six shots taking out the First patrol Me and Manhatton move in I summon my sparrow and go ahead with my Sword I cut three Vex goblins Clean in half with my Blade before leaping off of my sparrow and taking down a Minotaur Shooting its head off and then Cutting it's legs off Manhatton Use's a new form of his Nova bomb Throwing Three Smaller ones Wiping out the Patrol I am to take the center Sync plate Manhatton the Left closest to the ship and Cuban the Right high on a raised platform. As we control the Sync plates we can see something forming infront of the Vault. Not only that Dark clouds are forming all around us Cuban Yells Vex are Teleporting in. As soon as he finishes what must be a Hundred Vex come out of teleport all around us I start cutting them down as fast as I can make us of the Last word when they get too close. Manhatton is Shotgunning Vex left in Right while using his Palm to blast the ones closest to pieces. Cuban uses his Nanites to Form his Shield letting the Vex get close there must be 50 of them around him. When suddenly His Shield drops and forms into a sword It's a Two hander but he wields it with one in his other hand he carries his Arc blade he's gone blade dancer he's shredding through the Vex they can't get away. A Vex gets to close to me that when I punch him the force sends out a blast of arc damaging nearby Vex. The Spire is almost formed I hear a Nova bomb Explosion go off Shredding Vex around Manhatton while he reloads. Three Minotaur's start pushing through the crowd of vex around me I feel my blood rushing I concentrate my Light and use Fist of Havoc Disintegrating them into an Arc mist. The spire Finishes forming Manhatton and Cuban make their way towards me killing Vex as they come The Vault behind me starts to open Cuban is now using both hands on his sword to cleave Vex to pieces. Manhatton Raises his Rocket Launcher Explosion a group of vex in front of him making a path to us. We make our way into the vault. All three of us as we enter the Vex die off as if uninterested in following us in to the Vault. Cuban radios Redreksis He tells him to send out a Skiff to keep surveillance of the Vault we don't want the Vex to move out or in behind us. As we continue onward down the path we come to floating platforms. We leap across the platforms with ease until we See another Door on a huge platform below Cuban Whispers the Templar's well. To be continued...

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