Might be an issue with them wanting some time to breath. Otherwise at some point the games areas are always in constant conflict. I would say then that maybe some should happen at the same time, but then maybe consoles couldn't handle all of that going on at once.
Technical and design problems are there and not always so obvious, those are the obvious ones to me. Who knows if they are though, or that there aren't others. Of course there's always the simple idea that it's a creative decision. Events are happening, time is passing in universe. Which I don't really mind, though it is sad to see things go.
Im on ps3 and have had pub events and wolves/sword bearers happen at same time.
Which is cool and all, but it doesn't make anything I said carry any less weight. At least not much.
Oh I didn't mean it to be that way, I was just pointing out that it can and has happened before, and had no negitive impact on game play.
Well yeah so far, should they have kept everything when is it too much? Some things gotta give, and I don't mind this too much. So long as they give alternate routes for stuff like ingame features that played off of them.