That's right lady's and gentlemen with update 2.0 Wolfpacks are leaving, so finish those bounties and collect those keys.
Quote from the weekly update: [quote]World
Fallen Wolf Hunt Patrols will retreat in anticipation of the arrival of Oryx in your solar system[/quote]
[quote]Complete your House of Wolves Grimoire as it applies to hunting in the wild[/quote]
If you need to know which Grimoire you still need go to DestinyStatus.com
Is it so hard for bungie to just set timers on different events instead of of just cutting content we paid for.?
That's stupid. I wish they'd just keep the blades , the wolves, etc.
Wait so you can't get the Grimoire anymore when they're gone?!
Im fine with this, so long as they don't remove the POE. I don't have any of the Elder Cipher weapons yet and I want them so much
I wander how new people are going to rank up Petra's rep.
They did the same with the blades of Crota. Miss doing this lol https://youtu.be/SrClmkzy0js
The Wolves and Knights/blade of crota were the only remotely interesting to ever happen in patrol. Bungie said they revamped Patrol in TTK but with the track record of her last 2 DLCS, Destiny still is pretty boring. May as well kill it more, starting with patrol. ~sarcasm~I wouldn't mind for more scouting bounties to waste time~
I liked the wolf packs out in the world. I hope they get replaced with something similar and updated in the future.
I can understand the prowling drop ships but it would have be cool if the ones in patrol stayed
Which is kind of odd, if they do not plan on removing PoE.. How does one obtain treasure keys outside of one bounty from the queen? Also I would be pissed if I just bought the HoW and it was not the compete experience.
Surely this would actually be removing part of the dlc some people will only just be acquiring, if there's not an alternative to the grimoire then theyre technically screwing anyone that buys the dlc after the 8th
Wolf prowls did bring a challenge to patrols it's a shame that they aren't carrying on much like the blades of crota. It would have been better to have them carrying on in a set area rather than ditch them what would happen if Petra still had the named bounties going during ttk.
Cya later shitlords!
So if someone doesn't do them. They will never get the grimoire? Noice some people are going to be pissed. So what's the point in having them as bounties and as a grimoire to unlock if you can't acquire them?
I remember the Blades, and seeing a sword fight between a Fallen captain and Blade of a Crota. Good times, good times.
Make it a monthly event
Who really cares when you're a forklift
Damn. I like wolf packs! Why can't they just leave everything in there? Skywatch would be hella fun if there were like five events going on simultaneously...
They will most likely resurface if they ever do queens wrath again.
We pretty much knew this, Deej said it at E3.
Making all those fun bounties useless
Are these the events only, or will things like the ether runner or Wolves' guard be removed as well.
Here is my plan. Just delete a character and remake the grind to lvl 32 complete queens quest line do Poe 28 save key then do 32 Poe open big chest hope for fallen themed exotic... Wash rinse and repeat.
Duuuuuuuude thanks for that link for grimoire score that site is awesome.
The Wolf Packs are taking the Wolfpack's with them. :-(
It should be temporary