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Edited by Lord Bird I: 9/4/2015 3:02:34 AM

Mr. Fruit's View on Titans and Class Balancing

Titans should be buffed (I am a Titan)


Titans should be buffed (I am not a Titan)


EDIT: Please ignore the poll, I accidentally posted it unfinished and now I can't change it. [quote]As to all those who don't believe that Titans are the worst, and are trying to refute me. I could spend a whole video talking about it, but almost every point you all bring up - the other classes either have it built-in, or an exotic that outclasses it. Bubblebro is priceless in PvE. But for PvP, Titans are just at a clear disadvantage. As a person who has used every class, and every subclass, and has most time put into a Titan this is the consensus I've come to. Thankfully it looks like Sunbreaker is going to change things for Titans in PvP, but let's look at it realistically: Slowest agility : Yes you can use the "triple" tap jump to speed around, but it's not intuitive to most and it's not always practical to run around doing it in PvP and in a gunfight, you don't have the same speed to strafe or even run away - not to mention blink is just a get out of jail free card. It's so easy to avoid supers, heavies etc with blink, but titans can't get away so even overall titan's k/d usually don't match up with the other classes. It's the "TANKY" class : We're supposed to be the frontline, however even when we max our armor out we only have 1 more health than a hunter in PvP I believe, and are tied with Warlocks. The Ram alone gives Warlocks like 22 more health in PvP which is insane. Melee : We're supposed to be the melee class, but it's a fact our melee is the worst. No range to it. Hunters are above it especially with blink strike glitch, and the warlock is just a mile ahead of them both. Yes we have shoulder charge, but as you can see it's pretty easy to counter if you know what you're up against and titans also have to usually prep for shoulder charge beforehand knowing when it'll be up after sprinting, and how long it'll be up. Supers: The Fist of Havoc is situational, rarely nets several kills, and you almost feel punished for using it at times because it always seems like you need to save it for a cluster, which rarely seems to happen. Warlocks have the same thing in the form of Nova Bomb, which they can send from a safe distance. Hunters have a super that pretty much guarantees 2-4 kills every activation. Exotics: Yes the Saint-14 is great... in PvE. It can help occasionally in PvP, but using bubblebro in PvP is already putting you at a disadvantage. Ruin Wings are bugged and only useful for PvE. Arma is great for two grenades which can help, but warlocks have that perk built into their subclass already. Pretty much any other exotic is completely niche, or just offers a perk that's already in your subclass. Feedback fences? It tickles the enemy, I've gotten 1 kill across my hours of playtime using it. PvP you just have nothing that really helps, and so I often use Inmost light just because it lets me take 2 skills for my super. You can all sit here and argue on and on about it, but I can say without a doubt that Bungie is sitting on data that backs up exactly what I'm saying - especially PvP. I talked to Luke Smith and Mark about this while I was at bungie for hours on end. The Titans just don't have anything they really shine at, except for being the staple for most PvE encounters with the Bubble. They told me they're aware of it and are always looking at ways to fix it. So fingers crosses, but even Bungie knows Titans are a notch down from the others. The bubble is near useless in PvP because it can't protect against supers, you can't use it as a reactive defense because everything bursts it. Anyway like I said I could go on and on and on about this because as someone who wants the Titans so badly to be really good, it hurts to realistically look at it and know that we're just not at the same tier with the current build. I'm not going to respond to the comments to this because it won't get us anywhere, you're always free to disagree. /rant[/quote] -Mr. Fruit This comment can be found here: This is probably the best argument for class balancing I've seen in a long time. The video (Specifically the first round) shows the clear disadvantages that the Titan has in the melee department, even with shoulder charge. And in the round where they were all using an auto rifle, Mr. Fruit absolutely crushed Blue and Rhabby, so he's likely more skilled than them, but in the other rounds in this series it doesn't look like it because abilities were allowed in those rounds. Other Thread with more evidence: Statistics thread: Tell me if you agree or disagree, and if you do disagree please give a valid argument rather than "Fist of Havoc/Shoulder Charge/Lightning Grenades is/are OP" or at least give some form of evidence to prove it. Thanks for Reading!

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  • The hunter is guranteed 2-4 kills? Haha the hunter super activation is the worst especial golden gun. Your wide open for kills during the super animation and get no kind of overshoes or protection. I've been killed so many times and wasted my super. Fist of havoc is almost impossible to kill when in animation and is so clutch so self res warlocks. Titans are beast by far my favorite in pvp.

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    7 Replies
    • So in other words a cry baby mad that titans melee sucks. Yet their jump and grenades are easily the best in the game plus it is almost impossible to kill them when in super animation

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      4 Replies
      • "Our melee is the worst" (Has only melee that is a OHK)

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        12 Replies
        • Edited by [SiN]大き氷: 9/4/2015 1:58:37 PM
          All classes have their problems that need dealt with. However saying titans are getting hit the hardest because all of it is just an excuse. Only thing I would say titans are truly at a disadvantage with is the melee. Everything else they have equally annoying unbalanced tools to use. Speaking of melee they have shoulder charge. --------Any player can make excuses about classes all they want, fact is that they both suck and simply got caught in this games myriad of problems.To put it as simply as possible the game plays poorly. [spoiler]There's hardly any counterplay going on. Grenades always hit killing you or putting you in one shot territory. Supers aside from defender and sunsinger are far too hard to fight. The ammo economy is garbage and is hardly punishing. Special ammo 24/7 if you die you keep it, oh and you start with it. Heavy ammo round fixed that, but the kill times skyrocket and the gameplay is just dumb. All it does is encourage camping. --------Forgot to mention the game reads poorly, and that makes these problems worse. I can see maybe what they are thinking with the radar but it's just as misinformative as it is informative. Also almost always having to be ADS to be accurate means you can almost never know when someone is on you. There's not even at least some sound design going into counteracting that. Visual effects that are everywhere and frankly come together forming what is basically a screen not getting any signal. Screen shake can die, and thorn doesn't need that green effect. Also distinguishing between whats friend and foe is another problem. For instance grenades, they sorta tried with the hunter grenade, but it doesn't completely work. Not to mention the other grenades, just make the unfriendly ones more vibrant and noticeable compared to my friendly ones.[/spoiler] That's not all and I'm sure I'm just blanking, but those are the bigger things. Also I don't' want to make a wall. A bigger wall. As for the youtube character, could care less what he thinks. Not to say that their problems are invalid but they aren't absolute. More that they as a player need to play smarter just like the rest complaining.

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        • All us Titans need are more range on melee, that's all

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          1 Reply
          • I think Titans are fine. Those who struggle just need a player buff.

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          • Screw this prick dude, who the hell is he? These aren't fact, they're his opinions, he probably just sucks at using titan EFFECTIVELY.

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            7 Replies
            • AHAHA. NO. NEVER. Anyone that knows how to use a Titan can be OP af and it's ridiculous sometimes. Never would I want class' to be changed at all.

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              3 Replies
              • This video is evidence enough that Mr Fruit is -blam!-ed in the head. [url][/url]

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                1 Reply
                • Say what you will but the bubble train is the most OP shit I ever seen. Did it one time just for shits and giggles and with armor of light the bladedancers coming in stood no chance. Golden guns shotguned as they tried to enter. Nova bomb might take out one or two bubbles but regrouping was easy peasy and sunsingers? Ha no chance. The fist of havoc is the best counter for it but even then just regroup and you're back in the game again.

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                  1 Reply
                  • Titans shouldn't be buffed (I am a titan.)

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                  • Edited by BIGwillestylz: 9/4/2015 2:03:56 AM
                    Holy wall of text batman. Mr fruit is creepy as f. He Needs to change his tag to Chester the ---------. I would not leave any kids alone with him.

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                    • *gives you a hug*

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                      • I am a warlock and think titans should be buffed

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                      • Edited by : ^ ): 9/4/2015 4:36:17 AM
                        The problem I have with Titans is that they are supposed to represent this behemoth of power and armour. Yet, the warlock tremendously outclasses their armour capabilities with one exotic. Titans can get up to 205 health with max armour next to a Warlock wearing the Ram and getting 226 health. OKAY. This is coming from a guy who mains and Titan in PvP and PvE and LOVES it. I will still admit they are slightly underwhelmed in PvP. They can be used and be used effectively, but other classes can peak their effectiveness a bit more easily.

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                        • Edited by jonaldmcdonald: 9/4/2015 12:29:58 PM
                          I main a titan and I think it's most fun for PvP but we are disadvantaged, I get more kills and better K/D with my hunter, melee is short range and usually you will be killed before in range, shoulder charge is situational and needs set up time for it to work, it's not like blink at all and it's easy to counter with a shotgun, FoH is an easy super to use but in all honesty is a 1-2 kill super unless your rushing a control point or heavy ammo, in which case Nova Bomb, GG or BLADE Dancer works just as well, all other classes have supers allowing for easy multiple kills, defender titan is not for PvP it's probably the strongest PvE but isn't suited to PvP, and now with the Ram we are not even the hardest to kill, what use does the titan have besides defender in PvE because every other class/sub-class can out do it in its field, I think Sun Breaker and rebaaalancing the Ram should fix this though .

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                        • Sunbreaker *drops mic*

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                          4 Replies
                          • Edited by Elysiae: 9/4/2015 6:30:07 AM
                            Some people don't know how to create a poll.... Hate them when they're ONLY based on their opinion. EDIT: Nevermind,the post was edited.

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                            2 Replies
                            • What the hell is a mr fruit

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                              • Only thing a titan needs is melee range, that's about it

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                                • If you think Titans are bad just do the Titan bubble method in crucible...

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                                  12 Replies
                                  • Needs an exotic to allow shooting out of the bubble while inside.

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                                    10 Replies
                                    • I am not a Titan and still think a buff is needed or a NERF to ram

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                                    • I think they need to give them melee range, and if they are supposed to be the tank class, don't have the warlock be tankier.

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                                    • Edited by Jezrelm: 9/4/2015 10:46:34 AM
                                      Totally agree, i dont play a lot of crucible but when i do i feel the diferences betwen my character, whit my warlok i feel much powerfull and whit the RAM you are prety hard to kill, the hunter is fast and his súper is the most powerfull thing on crucible period.

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                                    • Edited by bonkerspigeon123: 9/4/2015 10:46:42 AM
                                      I can honestly say that as a primary character warlock player I agree with this.I have played all three classes and my last and most recent character is a titan defender. In PvP, Titans are disadvantaged,their main strength of Armour is pretty much non-existent. They are the only class without some form of ranged melee. Blink strike has similar range to a warlock melee and Throwing knife can have a greater range than a warlock melee if the user is accurate. However both of these are just Charged Melee abilities. The titans charged melee abilities have no extra range to a standard melee. Neither titan subclass possesses a grenade that has some form of tracking like The Axion bolt,Arc Bolt and the DoT sunslinger grenade.

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