No server browser guys, Star Wars: Battlefail will use skill based matchmaking. *facepalm*
The last game that I played with skill based matchmaking is Cod AW, could only find teamdeath match, domination game types because the player pool is small for good players.
I liked server browser in BF games, could favourite servers that played fairly smooth. No server browser means less cost for E.A. ultimately as they can take down servers at anytime, without the player base knowing.
Skill based matchmaking should never be in an online FPS game, it separates the player base. The good players get the short end of the stick with a smaller player pool and an increase in Latency. Connection priority over skill with an online game.
This news is yet another nail in the coffin for star wars battlefront after all the cut content we already know about.
E.A. supposedly have an aggressive DLC plan in the works for this game, are going to milk the star wars name. How do you feel about this guys, are you still going to buy on release day?
How do we remedy the situation so that everyone isn't cut off from the others based solely on skill? Simple. Stop being so good. Maitain a KD of .6 to 1 and we are agolden.
I could care less if it sucks if it's fun, I'll play it
Because Halo 2 and 3 are considered flops for their skill based matchmaking.
I see your point young warrior. I share the same feeling as you. By any chance you should see how Halo 5 will fail.
What content did they cut? Thanks for the information.
Edited by wojo55: 10/2/2015 9:24:48 PMIt's destined to flop cause it's only fraction of what the game used to be. Stupid sheep are stupid they'll buy it regardless just cause of the name. Does anyone remember BATTLEFIELD hardline? Edit: looks like I already commented a few days ago
As someone who's played every Battlefield game, Matchmaking was sorely needed. Troll another game.
Yeah I forgot the time every halo game flopped because they lacked a server browser. Dark days indeed.
It's Battlefronts "Destiny" to flop, and it's "Destiny's" Destiny to be great again
"Destined to Flop" Because it doesn't have a server browser? 1. We don't know for sure if they will include a server browser or not 2. The skill-based matchmaking will not necessarily match you so you have high latency. They may make it so you're matches with skilled players in your area. 3. Even with server browser in games, I've had latency because of one person. You're making a lot of assumptions, and not having a server browser is in no way, shape, or form, game breaking. 0/10 thread.
It is EA we are talking about, so I'm sure there are going to be way more problems than that.
- ... Did you not think EA marches to this tune?
Cut content and no server browsers. I'll forget the cut content for now, it likely won't matter if what is there is good enough, people will still enjoy it. Let's be honest though, server browsers are mainly popular among PC FPS gamers. A lot of console based shooters don't have them and consoles make up the bulk of the sales. I play both PC and console but I usually play shooters on my PC, even folk like me know this game is more geared to console use. Skill based matchmaking is more about ease of access, it's just plug and play. No need to bother browsing, just pick a game mode and the game searches for you. I'm not saying it's a better choice, i'd prefer a browser myself, i'm saying it's aimed at getting matches set up quick and effortlessly. Some people prefer that. As for the "aggressive DLC plan" ... it's EA, did anyone believe it would be any different? I'm not saying it's a good thing, I don't buy DLC unless it's part of an Ultimate Edition or GOTY so i'd be stuck on the base game. That said it is EA, nobody thought it would be any different.
More conspiracies on cut content? Yawn.
The game will launch with less than a quarter of the content BFII did, and by the end of the DLC train it'll probably have half the content. It seems like so little work went into this game over the past few years.
[quote]No server browser guys, Star Wars: Battlefail will use skill based matchmaking. *facepalm* [/quote] Server Browsing was really only a thing on PC. For the most part, it's a feature that is just another unused button for everyone else. [quote] I liked server browser in BF games, could favourite servers that played fairly smooth. No server browser means less cost for E.A. ultimately as they can take down servers at anytime, without the player base knowing. [/quote] This continually pisses me off when people mention this. [i][b]NO COMPANY IS EVER GOING TO DO THAT AND STAY IN THE INDUSTRY AFTER THAT. [/b][/i]I swear no one understands that no company is ever just going to shut down the servers with no reasoning or forewarning. Every time it happens, the player base gets a notice about it in someway. [quote] Skill based matchmaking should never be in an online FPS game, it separates the player base. The good players get the short end of the stick with a smaller player pool and an increase in Latency. Connection priority over skill with an online game. [/quote] I disagree with this completely. While connection is nice, skill matchmaking done right never sets the pool to such a small number that latency increases to unplayable numbers. Also, you want the player base segregated. You don't want this godlike player over here continuously pounding on mediocre players when for a few extra pings he'd be evenly matched. Good players get the short end of the stick because it's not fun to never be challenged in a game. [quote] This news is yet another nail in the coffin for star wars battlefront after all the cut content we already know about. E.A. supposedly have an aggressive DLC plan in the works for this game, are going to milk the star wars name. How do you feel about this guys, are you still going to buy on release day?[/quote] EA stated they were pursuing [quote]an aggressive DLC plan[/quote] Months ago. Also, every single game ever created has cut content. You cannot show me a single game that doesn't. It doesn't exist. There's always something that bugs out, doesn't fit right, or just isn't technologically possible when the game is made. People need to quite getting upset over cut content, and get more upset that publishers won't increase the average development cycle. Most games still get the 2.5 years at most to make games nowadays. That's just not enough time considering the demands of the audience.
[quote]are you still going to buy on release day?[/quote] Yep.
Yea good, I hate server browsers. I like what Halo, Destiny and CoD has now. The only time I would ever want a server browser would be for Forge and Custom Games in Halo 5 and only because Forge needs it. I hated browsing servers in BF4.
The last nail in the coffin to be honest, sadly it will rise with the millions it will make and deliver the biggest DLC packs ever.
For the last time it won't flop. Just like every call of duty thousands, maybe even millions, have preordered or will be buying it within a week of launch. It will make shitloads of money even if Battlefront fans who actually played the first two games don't buy it.
There is no doubt in my mind that Battlefront will make millions of dollars off of preorders alone, be populated for a month or two, and then be abandoned by 90% of the people that buy it. Three years later, EA will shut down the servers and the game will effectively cease to exist. And you know what? It makes me happy. Sometimes it can be hard to tell the difference between people who are unlucky and people who are simply stupid, but EA has gotten really good at giving me a good litmus test to judge people by, making it easier for me to avoid the sorts of human waste that keep buying this crap.
Skill based matchmaking worked in halo 3. It only works if the ranking system is skill based too.
I prefer skill based matchmaking. Roflstomping kids all day gets old fast.
You constantly bring up BF but let me remind you this isn't battlefield and dice already said it wasn't going to be.
Its star wars and it's not from the 70s. It's automatically bad. - the virgins
Not even close. And several of your points are brash assumptions. The presence of a server browser doesnt matter to the majority of the population.