Idk.. honestly I wouldnt mind it being delayed because we'd have time to get to level 40 n gear up for the raid.. but what r u guy's opinions.. like I'm thinking twice about this one
I'm glad. A lot of people on these forums have forgotten that VoG launched 7 days after destiny did. The reason for this was to get gear and weapons needed to actually do somthing in the vault otherwise players would enter it unprepared and get frustrated and give up. Crotas end launched on day one and players that were level 30 got slaughtered by Crota unless you had a level 31. With TTK destiny now has a focus on gear light and XP leveling, sure you can hit 40 in a day but old year one gear and weapons will do nothing but tickle enemies in the Kings Fall raid. This is why bungie has delayed the raid, to allow players to go out, level up to 40, get new legendary and exotic gear that makes them high enough to take on the new raid, hell I honestly don't think nightfall will be do-able in week one (unless you grind like crazy) and if that isn't do-able then how is a raid do-able?.