I've been pondering that question for many months now, why do you fags love porn spammers? My conclusion used to be that you were all thirsty 12 year olds that were too scared to search for porn. But now, now I believe that it goes deeper so much deeper...
Let me explain to you, mmk? First we have Nubbin's group (too much cringe for me to remember the name) Those guys worship him like he's jesus... Is it because they yearn for acceptance or is it because of a much more sinister force? Let's take a look, shall we?
Here's a Q/A with one of their least prominent and most bias users
Me: Why do you think people like porn spammers
BubbleBoy: Because statistically I'm smarter than all of you!
Me: Yes, but why do you like porn spammers?
Bubbleboy: Because hitler was just a guy that did the wrong things for the right reasons.
Me: But why?
BubbleBoy: *insert gay ass copypaste here*
Me: Very interesting, thanks for your time.
Bubbleboy: Kek fgt
As I've concluded they worship porn spammers because they're all brain dead social rejects with no chance of making anything of themselves in the real world. This has been Ajax (or Ajoox) with your weekly news!
[spoiler]Shots fired, your move bubble[/spoiler]
Why should I have to search for the porn, when I can have the porn come to me?