Why does this horrible feature exist in MP??? Especially in Rumble Salvage and Skirmish.
Bungie you talk a good talk about balance and fun. Well, you don't walk a good walk. Explain to me how is it balanced and fun for people like me who play lone wolf most of the time to go into these matches only to be used as expendable pawns to fill up these asinine of a match.
For me, jumping into my first Rumble match of the day losing by a score of 2000 or more isn't my idea of fun. I sure don't see the balance aspect of it either. Anything above my score of Zero is unbalanced, correct?
I waited over a year to have this absolute disgrace of a feature to be removed, only to find it here day in, day out. I've posted on here before only to have my topic drowned out by the hundreds of people bitching about Xur and other useless crap. Well today that changes. I'm re-posting this every hour on the hour. At least if it gets lock some attention will be drawn to it. Just please remove JIP before taken King is released. I would love it if my first match isn't an auto matic loss in one of the new game modes, especially the CtF one.
If you remove that then the average match will be 1-3 minutes. One person quits you're down a guy. I'm not playing 5v6 I leave. Now it's 4v6, they stay for a minute and realize they're getting destroyed. Now it's 2v6 and 1v6. The only person that's left is someone who doesn't care about 60 deaths as long as they get another 3 kills. Repeat this 1000 times and people stop playing crucible altogether
Maybe only for rumble. No other game type tho
But, if they remove that, how am I going to win the game for my team when I drop in?
Yeah, what the balls is that?
What's JIP