Recently a man named Deez Nuts has officially began running for president in America. He is running as an independent and in some states almost has 10% of people voting for him so the question is, are you going to vote for Deez Nuts?
Edit:Just to let you guys know this is 100% real Deez Nutz is actually running for president
Edit: Guys we're trending!! Let's keep it up Deez nuts for president!
Edit: Donald Trump made an appearance on this thread! Looks like he can't handle Deez Nuts
If you think about it Donald trump is just like hitler. He brain washed the Germans to thinking the the Jewish people are the worth possible thing ever. Donald trump is doing the same thing with the Mexicans, he's saying that we bring rapist, drugs, etc making the Mexican people look like bad people just like what Hitler did to the Jews .