I don't take credit for any of these. I saw a bunch of these browsing Google.
[url=https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-QxsTbLQmKr0/VQdA86BiVQI/AAAAAAAAAMg/0Pigx0a9uh8/w1278-h679-no/vexsparrowclast.jpg]Vex Sparrowclast[/url]
[url=https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CCUoys3WYAEoxfz.jpg]The Dragon[/url]
[url=http://i.imgur.com/r8ZSEtG.jpg]Quick Death[/url]
[url=http://i.imgur.com/yzYGOw1.jpg]Foul Language[/url]
[url=http://i.imgur.com/uqsvF9h.jpg]Sparrow Regime[/url]
[url=http://destiny.bungie.org/images/exotic_sparrows/full/saltshaker911_lastsparrow.jpg]The Last Sparrow[/url]
[url=https://scontent.cdninstagram.com/hphotos-xaf1/t51.2885-15/s320x320/e15/11376019_401095203425469_1244940904_n.jpg]Lord of Sparrows[/url]
[url=http://imgur.com/gallery/NQvyPuV]Catch Me If You Juju[/url]
Which is your favorite? Seen another? Tell me and I'll add it to the list.
I wish these were real...
All accept about 3 are absolutely amazing
Thunderbird is clearly the best.
plez bungie
LOL these are awesome! If they ever make exotic sparrows I hope they turn out as cool as these. Kinda want a Cabal themed one though...
Thistle is the best. Fact.
Quick Death and Foul Language! Yes!
I'll take anything that will get my teammates killed.
What if they actually added exotic sparrows to the game, but exotic sparrows would have their gun specific turret. So like the last sparrow would have a turret that fires like the last word, and the quick death would fire like red death does.
[b][i][u]SHUT UP AND TAKE MY MONEY![/u][/i][/b] [spoiler]Personal favs are thunderbird and foul language :P[/spoiler]
Why are these not a thing? These need to be a thing in game. Thunderbird and The Last Sparrow are the nicest looking ones I think. Quick Death looks awesome as well.
Edited by Ampliffyy0614: 9/1/2015 8:43:25 PMWhat about sparrows actually based on raids like: Atheon's, you can travel to any place on each planet. Ex: the divide to skywatch. Or crota's,( don't really know anything for that) or TTK, shoots bolts of lightning that turns enemies into allies until death (up to 5 allies) [spoiler]btw. i like everything up there [/spoiler]
They're all sweet! I like the dragon the best I thing
Thistle is epic
Imagine getting run over by the quick death... Ouch
only the thunderbird and catch me if you juju look cool
SuperFastAdvice's name takes the cake.
Thorns sparrow would be a block of cheese with wheels.
I want catch me if you juju
Quick Death= HELL FOR NPC
Love the ass breaker sparrow. LMAO
thunderbird is -blam!-ing amazing
Assbreaker is amazing
How are these made.
All excellent, love the dragon and sparrow regime.
catch me if you juju is very gang
Omg why can't this be a thing?!