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8/31/2015 10:00:42 PM

Much cheat. Many amaze. (XB1)

Dear Bungie. Your not gonna reply to this probably but if I could get help I'd like. Recently I was playing with these two awesome guys I met on the forums. We got to about 3 wins I think. We beat these guys asses and all of a sudden were talking and this guy's mic cut out. I tried talking and they didn't respond. Then I got kicked to orbit and got error code weasel. Before you say that's not the code, I was kicked from the party, the game, and even my Xbox lost connection I am still trying to restart it and such but nothing is working so I might have to call my internet provider. Please report these asses. MattG290592 Shooter8091 Epikltallan
#DDoSeD #Cheaters

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