[b]the kicks flips me I upper cut like you just got hit by a bomb[/b]
[b][i][u]Lands On My Face[/u][/i][/b]
[b]lands on you Picks you up and flys up to 2000 feet and throws you down[/b]
[b][i][u]Teleports Above You A Kicks You Down[/u][/i][/b]
[b]catches your foot and throws you down[/b]
[b][i][u]Collides With The Ground [/u][/i][/b]
[b]I land You see a bar on my chest going down a bit I stomp you[/b]
[b][i][u]I Vanish From Under Your Foot And Cut Your Chest With My HF Blade[/u][/i][/b]
[b]as you hit the regains some of its energy The cut is indicated by a white scratch which dissipates[/b]