I'm a ps4 player and yesterday we killed Atheon in difficult mode, but when i later checked, I did not have The Moment Of Triumph!!
Do i have to do it again or u can fix it somehow?
Thx 4 help,
Id psn: alefrak
Was it this game? http://destinytracker.com/dg/3353903223 Did something happen at the end, like the relic was dropped when Ahteon was finished and everyone died, or the last players standing were teleported as he went down? It's odd that everyone shows as DNF, even though one player has 'Atheon, Times Conflux' in their enemies killed list. Finished games usually look like this: http://destinytracker.com/dg/3327496966 (note no DNF's by any of the players tags) Unfortunately, all I can suggest is finishing it again since it's not showing in your triumph wheel.