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Edited by DarthBrando: 8/31/2015 10:37:30 AM
Wow ok halo has guns and a ring Star wars has 100s of 1000s of STAR DESTROYER CLASS ships and 2 DEATH STARS Also star wars has longer range sensors, faster hyperspace (its actually instant as you go out of spacetime while traveling through it) AND "the power to destroy a planet is insignificant next to the power of THE FORCE" In one of the comics in the Tag and Binks series (not jar jar but a youngling named binks) You actually find out Darth Sidiuos and Darth Plagueus while trying to create a "chosen one" of their own ACCIDENTALLY destroyed the STAR in the system of SUPERMAN's home world! (They accidentally destroyed a star SEVERAL GALAXIES AWAY with THEIR MINDS!)

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  • The LAWS of PHYSICS still exist; energy radiation can be: Transformed Absorbed Diverted Matter can be: Transformed Broken down Diverted Absorbed Unless its not matter or energy it MUST obey those laws Neither matter or energy can be annihilated from existence and both require more force than the force they are resisted by to overcome anything period.

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  • You forget ancient humans forerunners and precursors. The tech that these badboys have far out match anything starwars can throw at them. You also forget its the entire universe at all points in time. This means the flood control a huge amount of ships same with the covies. thier fleet size rekts when they were in thier prime. The fight would be a long one but halo would win due to the mass amount of ships the forerunners have and can build.

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  • You also forget the SW universe IS technically in OUR universe which is also where the halo universe is. Not to mention the millions of jedi from the old republic to the new era AND the hundreds of SITH (each sith is considerably more powerful than each jedi) Also better sensors in SWU and travel AND there are cloaking device in SWU that STILL fool their highest tech sensors. 1 star destroyer is armed up enough to LEVEL TO THE GROUND an ENTIRE planet BY IT SELF. And there are a few 100k of them. Stuff like that.

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  • In numbers of ships halo wins. Thiscomes down to the production rate forerunners ships are built. Also the force does not work on extragalactic enemys for example yusan vong or whatever his name is. Fights like this always come down to ship battles and in tjat aspect star wars is outnumbered. Unsc covenant precursor forerunner and flood is a fleet that will kill all.

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  • The vong wasnt 1 person, they were an ENTIRE race. Its more than just numbers. On EARTH every war EVER FOUGHT the side with the best tech and resources has ALWAYS won. The force + better sensors + faster travel= a GIGANTIC edge.

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  • Thats a big edge ppl dont fight in slipspace or light speed. The force only works on ppl from that galaxy most jedi and sith would be infected by the flood pretty quickly. And anyway it would end up being a space battle between the 2 forces where any ship lost couls be rplaced by more very quickly. And dont even get lme no the precursor s they are practicaliy gods.

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  • Yea no; Faster travel times and better sensors means; They can get from A to B MUCH faster; see you coming from further distance away and call for reinforcements over greater distances: The SW ships can intercept faster, reinforce faster, escape faster, regroup faster, ambush faster, see their enemy from further away. Darth Sidious an Plagueus used the force to try an create a perfect being; they messed up or had a disagreement and blew up a RED SUN in a galaxy far far away in a DIFFERENT TIME so no the force is not 1 galaxy bound: its universal. The SW ships have better cloaking devices , this means their scouts can go virtually undetected which aids their already better sensors. If you know where your enemy is, how many they are, where they are going to be; know this first and respond with appropriate force-----> YOU WIN EVERY SINGLE TIME. An yea 1v1 a god entity vs a jedi or sith probably lose, but vs 10 star destroyers 50k fighters/bombers, 6 jedi or sith, yea thats pretty hard to beat. Flood vs death troopers: death troopers are better equipped (they are zombies in a drifting star destroyer(s) in BODY ARMOR)

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  • The Precursors had command over neural physics, their structures were literally indestructible to anything besides the Halos. Neural Physics allows them to transport instantly, sense all life in the galaxy, take control over non-sentient beings, and use said indestructible star roads to turn solar systems into massive blenders, and every Precursor and Forerunner can access the Domain, a neural space that contains the memories and experience of every single Forerunner or Precursor to ever live. The Force is something to contend with, yes, but how many force users are actually strong enough to influence a battle in space, especially when the Forerunners can outproduce, outgun, and outthink the SW forces? No matter how impressive the SW ground forces are (hint: not that impressive compared to that of the Forerunners), victories on the planets don't matter when you lose the battle for the system. That was the problem with the Spartans: they couldn't lost on the ground, but the UNSC couldn't win in space, so all those victories were pointless.

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  • You say SW has better transit? They use faster than light speed. Not only does the halo universe go faster than the speed of light in transit, but also through a 4th, compact spacial dimension. Forerunner ships can go to 2,000 light years an [b]hour[/b] crossing the entire galaxy is barely even a road trip in their eyes.

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  • 2000 light years an hour is 60+ hours just to cross OUR galaxy. Hyperspace is INSTANT over the jump range of the specific drive in the ship; the millennium falcon made the kessel run in less than 12 parsecs (11 or so jumps) keep in mind SPACE an everything in it MOVES so crossing the same set of systems the distances change with the time relative to the movement of the stars. Our system SOL is moving through the milky way at 420,000 miles per hour(675,000 km per hour) and the galaxy is spinning even faster.

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  • For the halo universe, you don't have to take calculation to obstacles in the way, by using real time calculations with planetary coordinates, the covenant ( not even the most advanced race to begin with) could predict where a planet, or a specific spot in a solar system, would be with a discrepancy of a [b]single atom.[/b] The forerunners or precursers? Spot on, no errors at all. Ever played portal? Slipspace is like traveling through the two portals, every real word obstacle is ignored. Also, 2,000 light years an hour is for a heavy war ship. If we really wanted to measure speed. The forerunners sent an exploration ship to a nearby galaxy for research on a possible flood origin. A jedi cruiser ' s hyper drive has a range of 60 thousand light years, this galaxy was a couple MILLION light years away. The book didn't even give a specific top speed for the forerunner expedition vessel. Forerunners transit system is so fast, they were actually limited by the laws of physics of the slipspace dimension. Also, may I ask what does the SW universe use to power their ships? I would like to know before I give my answer to this question for the forerunners.

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  • Edited by DarthBrando: 8/31/2015 11:22:45 PM
    Not saying that calculation is impossible: 2,000 light years per hour: milky way 126,000 light years a crossed= 60+ hours to cross OUR galaxy. Jedi cruiser 60,000 light years per jump; 3 jumps takes you from 1 side of milky way to the other: time elapsed during each jump = 0 time in between jumps = refuel and cool down time+ spin up time of hyperdrive engines. Ether way the jedi cross the milky way FASTER than the forerunners Idk on power supplies/fuel sources its been a while. But yea jus sayin simple math the jedi cruiser jumps in 3 jumps the entire diameter of our galaxy, which takes 60+ hours for the fore runners to do at 2,000 light years per hour.

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  • as i said, 2,000 light years an hour is for slow, sluggish capital ships in the forerunners navy. they can make ships that can travel across millions of light years, that's dozens of times the range of a Jedi cruser's jump range. So you say they use a type of fuel? like we use oil? thats cute. You know what powers the halos?Reality. Quasi spacial reactors, micro universes ( but from perspective, the size of our universe) is created, harvested for energy, and decayed into quantum foam. think of it, an entire reality. think of how many stars, solar system, heck even galaxies are simply consumed. think of all the civilizations, an incalculable number of lives that have lived,died, and were born unbeknownst to them that they were just an energy source. Think of the matrix with the robots using humans as a power source except with entire universes across all time and space of that reality. oh, how many ships did you say the SW had, like 50 or something thousand, each capable of bombarding a planet's surface to smithereens? so can the covenant ships, let alone ancient humanity, forerunner, or precursor ships. you say that throughout all time, the SW universe would have a couple billion ships? The forerunners have a few billion ships themselves, wanna know a secret? [spoiler]those few billions of ships are at a single point in time, let alone their entire history. and that is just one of the races.[/spoiler]

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  • Edited by DarthBrando: 9/1/2015 12:00:50 AM
    So how come pillar of autumn max speed is 959C in FTL vs the death star's 1,000,000+C FTL? (C= 288,369 m/s aka speed of light) Idk im some what out of date on halo history yes Yes hyperdrives use some sort of fuel (more like anti-matter than oil tho) The smaller the craft with the hyper drive in SWU faster it can go, millennium falcon IS fastest.

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  • Edited by BladeEdge545: 9/1/2015 12:33:36 AM
    also here is a list of the races in Halo from least to greatest. -Current humanity ( our timeline humanity) - they built the pillar of autumn - could easily make a crater kilometers wide with a single mac cannon, also they have a few bombs capable of destabilizing ( almost completely destroying) a small moon edit: The Pillar of Autumm is not the ship capable of creating said multi kilometer-wide crater, the UNSC Infinity is. in terms of firepower, the Autumn can probably make like a half-kilometer explosion. -The covenant - capable of bombarding every square meter of a planet's surface, making it inhabitable. in comparsion to Current humanity, could also blow up moons and/or planets -Ancient Humanity - same type of technology concepts as the covenant, except more advanced- (let your imagination flow in terms of destruction power by comparison) -Forerunners - they can literally create planets, consume universes for power, and completely atomize entire body's of mass in terms of destructive power -Precursers ( their ships were literally invulnerable until the halos fired, destroying their biological core , causing them to disintegrate) in terms of destructive power.. literally everything. think of being atomized across the entire space and time continuum, not only is the target atomized, but scattered across dimensions, universes, quantum foam, and space and time ( [i]you are forever lost in the dark corners of time[/i] )

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  • In star wars idk order but you have these; The mandalorians ---> a small empire of a few thousand systems The vong----> dominant species of an entire galaxy with tech of organic and seemingly dark magic origin and force sensitive The jedi---> need no explination The sith---> also no exp needed The bounty hunter's guild---> mercs from a crossed the galaxy each with their own tech The Hutt crime syndicate---> conglomerate of smugglers, pirates, slavers, traders, merchants under control of the hutt clan The wookies---> home world kashyyyk, each as powerful as a jedi regarding strength and intelligence, live extremely long lives The mon calamari---> ocean world ppl, build the best starships in the galaxy regarding frigate to cruiser class The trade federation---> largest droid army and resource pool in the galaxy thanks to the aid of the commerce guild and banking clans The nightsisters---> force sensitive witches who can tame and ride rancors amongst other abilities The ancients from the sith culture---> alot of the EU stuff gets mixed up here; vujn an korriban are key worlds to it, the ancient korriban warriors were EACH 10x as fierce as Darth Vader and vader on the battlefield was nigh invincible. Naboo: hub of artisans and amazing and sleek tech Corellia: major starship and weapons producer An there are a TON more but these are some of the KEY factions. Also JUST from mostly the new ERA (not old republic) and the lore around that, tho some is from the old republic like the vong ect...

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  • thats becuase the pillar of autumn is a primitive ship. thats in the year 2550 humanity. that is an entirely different race, on a different level of technological advancement. very very primitive. Im not talking about 26th century humanity. i am talking about a race that is millions of years older, and are millions of years more advanced than current humanity. tbh, i am somewhat out of date on SW history and theories, i didnt go as deep into SW as i did Halo.

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  • To take an example then; The VONG, arguable as advanced as the fore runners, they are a race just as old and FROM A DIFFERENT galaxy; invaded with a GALACTIC invasion force, with some crazy organic based and very advanced tech, and they LOST to the OLD REPUBLIC era of SW tech

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  • Precursors have built star roads. Huge battle stations designed to protect star systems and star clusters. Thes battle staions are im pervious to all kinds of damage. The halo rings designed to kill everyone in the galaxy all 12 a huge precursor forerunner ancient human and flood fleet consisting of billions of ships. Nova bombs galore. Checkmate. Also the death troopers onbthat ship just blow up the ship. And the flood imagine flood controlled death troopers. I think now you get it.

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  • Edited by DarthBrando: 8/31/2015 10:22:09 PM
    Genosian brain worms (controllable zombies) If u cant see the ship the death troopers are on, how are you gonna destroy it? I do get it about the flood and the halos however a MAD (mutually assured destruction) is a NO WIN scenario in which neither party survive. All SW cruisers from hundreds of thousands of star systems (1000s under mandalorian control alone) from ALL time = a few billions of ships as well. Its not a clear win either way; which is why im thinking it would come down to intel organized movement and movement speeds and in all 3 SW wins (Instant intel over any distance through a comms chain that can span 26-72 parsecs) (Some of the best intergalactic battle tacticians ever who have hand CONSISTENT experience in planetary and system on system warfare) (Hyperspace; time doesnt pass in the universe vs the time you experience in hyperspace: as far as the galaxy is concerned shortly after you enter hyperspace you arrive at destination---> no matter how long you the traveller spend in hyperspace)

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  • Mutually assured distruction. No no no no forerunners shield worlds can house many ppl and ships protecting the from the array. Oh -blam!- I forgot about the two arks. It would end up like this forerunner human flood anx precursor fleet fights it out if win yay if loose 12 halo rings activate ppl in shield world walk out mop up win.

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  • Star wars has planetary scale shield generation systems too guy; And Galaxy Gun as well as a dozen other super weapons that can take out entire star systems

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  • Shield worlds are hollow metal planets which stops the halo from killing them by being ahead if time. These worlds when activated literaly stops existing in this realm so the ring has no effect.

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  • Temporally relocatable planets ok fair nuff ya got me there; Tho SW clone wars tv show (still cannon btw) Anakin ends up at this system where he is "supposed" to fulfill his chosen one destiny by keeping the ENTIRE cosmos in "order" by controlling the balance of darkside to lightside, also HE PROVED HE COULD DO THE JOB but due to his selfishness and the clone wars he could not stay to carry out the duty.

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  • Lol pointless internet fights.

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