Hunters are the cool kids in class ..gets all the girls has the coolest gear...while Warlocks are the nerdy guys in the back,,;)
The nerds are in front and the "cool kids" are at the back. Also girls would rather prefer an intelligent guy with a future than a kid who wants attention and goes nowhere.
Yea nerds end up living in their moms basement eating Hot Pockets.;)
Those are geeks.
Lol. I'm a nerdy hunter. What do I get?
Ummm... No thanks.
You asked.
That's certainly true. :(
lol thats the opposite 4 me n my friend
Correct me if I'm wrong, but don't the nerdy guys always get the most money in the end? And the cool kids have mommy and daddy attending to them every step of the way? #Titanmasterrace ;)
Ye this is true