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Edited by Retro_Spective: 10/12/2015 10:51:07 PM

Has Treyarch done the impossible with black ops 3? New Zombies Trailer!

Guys I'm shocked that the black ops 3 beta is actually good. Movement is a huge improvement over AW, it feels right. Map design is quality. The gore is awesome. Time to kill is longer that AW, is perfect. I'm getting a MW2 T2K vibe. Netcode: I'm not noticing many BS moments online. I'll need more time with this as the majority of McDonald's wifi connections would still be downloading the game. Has treyarch done the impossible, invigorated a dying franchise? This could be one of the best cod in years. Zombies should be awesome too, how do you guys feel about the beta? EDIT: Day 2, so the lag begins. Game was running great yesterday, today the net-code is a complete mess. I'm guessing the servers are stressed, or all the dial-up connections are out in force. :)☺😄 EDIT: I hear a lot of xbox players are having problems with freezing, gun camo not working. Possible fix - Try deleting the game, reinstalling as this has helped other players. If that doesn't work use a second profile. EDIT 2: Here guys check out the new Zombies trailer, the reason why last gen campaign was ditched explained by a dev in link below...

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  • Edited by Scova: 8/28/2015 7:37:46 AM
    IMO time to kill is way to fast. Each gun should take at least another 2 bullets too kill and it'll be on par with the gold standard killing time of Black Ops 2. Blackhats OP M8A7 and Razerback need nerfed sadly because there ridiculous (I hope they never patch M8 lol M8A1 is my all time fav gun and the A7 is great, but way to OP) Tempest is the only specialist I find OP(it's ridiculous on Xbox at least) I hate snipers or should I say quickscopers, but I'll be honest Snipers are just plain terrible. Like the worst they have ever been so they need a work around. Lastly I'm concerned with the maps. IMO Hunted is great and the Snow map is good but the other 2 are terrible IMO and it frightens me a little with if the maps will be any good After all that, I think it'll be a great game. So much fūckíng fun and it brings back the good ol memories of Blops 2. I think we are on for a real treat, especially if all this gets fixed(especially time to kill)

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