Bungie - seriously. Please find a fix for filtering and kicking out lag switchers, especially in iron banner. Its unfair to those who play legit get matched up with people who are shit bags and lag switch. Im sure im not the only one bitchin. TYVM!!
Edited by Brennus79: 8/29/2015 1:43:31 PMWhy is it so hard too implement in the gaming code if you lag too much you die. End of Story then this switches is useless. It is very unfair if you cant make a little damage too that lag switchers. But bungie like this lag switching community. I report a lot of this people but bungie only saying they can be baned but i dont see bungie really doing that. Or fix out the match making, put all the lag switchers in a own match. Same with that osiris gear guys, why this f..... matchmaking bring them in the same matches like players who play pvp only at ironbanner. Why it is a advantage too use such switch. Dont ban them but get them dead if they lag too much!!! I play full week ironbanner there is more than 30% lagswitching especially the people with a osiris sign. I see if you want make osiris without lose its only possible with a lag switch. Why you dont sell The Taken King inclusiv a Lag switch? Im going to make videos now, but i will put it open in youtube with the Title Destinys Cheaters supported by bungie because they dont really ban them for Lag Switching.