I'm talking about the surgery not taking hormones and ya, turns out people with extreme mental disorders are prone to suicide.
First link is one person's personal journey and their opinion, second link I can't read without subscribing, 3rd link I believe is the one I was talking about above, the debunked myth (I remember it being out of Sweden) but on my phone and no wifi I can't really find that link about it for you. If this thread is still up when I get back to civilization Monday, I'll send it over along with some better links from (gasp) professionals who specialize in helping trans people. In the meantime, I personally know a few dozen trans people, including myself, who have lived much more happily after undergoing surgery.
Huh that's weird. The second link is a legit medical journal, I went right to it from Google but it asks for a subscription from the link. Anyway, I don't really care enough either way for this to get technical. I must've read the stat about 2 years ago when I was studying psychology in college, it was from a scholarly source but there's no way I could remember exactly what