Really bro? You are going to sea lion me now? After wishing that a bunch of people would get cancer? Go -blam!- yourself buddy.
If you think that chromosomes are the end all be all of sexuality, you are hopelessly naive and you need to go out and get laid. Maybe you will even find a nice lady who will teach you a trick or two.
Where did I say I wished for them to get cancer? I said they're more liable to get cancer...can't you read? And I didn't offend you so no need to offend me. Your chromosomes assign your sex. That's it. Sorry there's no way around that to support your views. But what do I know I've only studied biology, anatomy, surgery and must know better than me.
Man arguments like this are frustrating. People read what they want and ignore what's right in front of them. You on playstation? Sound like someone I could have some good convos with
If you think this is frustrating, try arguing with anti-vaxxers. And yeah I'm on playstation, psn is same is my name.
Wrong. There is absolutely no evidence to support what you are saying. You are taking an ideological and moral position supported by nothing but your emotions. Meanwhile, there are actual scienctific studies that have outlined probable hormonal, genetic, neural, and cognitive mechanisms for why someone may be transgender. And then there is absolutely no evidence to support your "You is what you is" hypothesis.
I'm not supported by my emotions, why would I be emotional about this? I just told you who was one of the first to do that gender/sex distinction and what he did to his patient to confirm his theories. XY and XX genes determine your sex. Please send me the research that specifically tells me which gene or genes are responsible or at least linked to being transgender. And no. Hormones related to sex don't change your gender, I just told you in my other post. They only change your secondary sexual characteristics which can be cured once the site of the disfunction is located whether it's from the site of the hormone secreting stimulant or the site of the production of the actual hormone. And cognitive? Funny, we classify transgenders as people who have gender identity disorder. One last thing, researches are not fact, there's a reason why they aren't taught in universities because it's still not 100% proven.