It's funny how saying anything on the Internet against anyone who's not a straight white man is automatically regarded as racist, sexist, homophobic, etc. If he had said something against straight people you would have been absolutely fine with it. That's just the double standard in society today. People who get mad because other people would be offended are stupid, because most of the time the group they're talking about isn't offended and they're just trying to make it into a goddamn drama. And this is his Twitter account, he can post whatever the heck he wants. His opinion shouldn't be oppressed by you idiots calling him transphobic. If he had said something against straight people, would you have called him "straightphobic?" (I'm assuming you're straight and think it's absolutely hilarious how people get more offended for comments directed at other people than comments directed at themselves.)
Don't forget that if you ARE a straight white man, you are the devil. Lol
If he said it about a random guy or random girl it's okay, but if it's about someone who's transgender it isn't okay... That sounds a lot like prejudice and hypocrisy to me too man.
Didn't you know bro? According to the tumblrites and SJW's, if you're cisgender (identify as the sex you were born with..) straight, and male (most times white..) you cannot: *Be offended by any racist comments toward whites, *Be offended by any sexist comments against males *say anything in regard transgendered people, anyone not of your color, say anything in regards to feminism, etc. I mean, hey, we created some words to describe it. Misandry! Personally I say I'm more of a misanthrope. I dislike everyone equally. Now I'm glad I posted this when I did, the SJW bandwagon just pulled up outside, so I better go before I'm told about a thousand times to check my privilege. #checkyourprivilegeyoucislordscum
[quote]41% of transgender people attempt suicide at some point during their life. Jokes like these lead to our society not taking trans people seriously.[/quote] Also, we can take them seriously if we want to. You or anyone else has no right to force us to. If they attempt suicide, then it's not our fault. They chose to become transgender. People judged them for who they were. It's kind of weird when a transgender person commits suicide, because they chose to become a new person and then decided that they didn't like that person anymore. It's their fault for becoming that person in the first place. People will always be judgemental. They should learn to deal with it before they choose to become transgender.