originally posted in:Shadow Forged Council
Hello all,
My name is Blade1844 and I'm a 14 year xbox veteran. I've been stewing over joining a clan with Destiny for some time now. The spot on the news page about this clan seemed to fit my interests with this game. I'm an adult with a full time job and destiny is a great way to spend my free time. I've done everything the game has to offer aside from trails.
What is everyone up to?
Edit: xb1 gt: Blade1844
Like this guy I followed the post as well, I am 22 work 3rd shift full time, so I never have friends online. Hopefull someones schedule will match up here?
Hey I was just wondering if you are an xbox one person or an xbox 360 person or both? Because I would be happy to play with you and if you'd like to do trials my friends Jared and another clanmate are doing it at a later time today.