*I stride out of the smoke behind you*
[b]turns out and pistol whips you Then fires[/b]
*I block the pistol whip with my gauntlet, then wait*
[b]blinks back [/b]
*I run my gauntlet along the edge of my sword and the sword catches on fire*
[b]you realise I put a grenade under you It explodes[/b]
*I fly back and land in a crouch, smirking* "Reactive armor!! Able to grenades at point-blank range apparently."
[b]as you land, I have a sniper aimed at you[/b]
*Uses my sword to reflect the sun into the scope, blinding you as I roll and take cover behind a rock*
[b]a shot wings you[/b] Ha, do you think the sun can get though my visor [b]throws a drone grenade over the rock[/b]