Cis and Trans are typically opposites. In organic chemistry there are molecules which have the same chemical structure but a different orientation of atoms. Cis and Trans refer to two different ways that these can be arranged. Some clever soul probably glommed onto this and coined the phrase "Cis" referring to people who aren't "Trans". It's hyprocrisy, a way for people who don't want to be labeled to label others who have different life beliefs.
Be thankful you don't know what it means. Honestly, it's a dumb word that politically correct obsessed people who claim to be enlightened came up with be create more barriers and segregation among human beings. And they do it all under the guise of equality.
I hear it a lot and never new what they meant but now I do I see it a pointless word
Cis Gender means you accepted your birth gender. Because that needs to have any actual term, right?!
Oh I looked it up but I wasn't making sense to me lol thanks though