Hey Bungie, maybe not hire people that make transphobic jokes like these?
41% of transgender people attempt suicide at some point during their life. Jokes like these lead to our society not taking trans people seriously.
If you want Nolan North to do the Ghost voice for you, tell him to apologize for this comment. It has seriously lowered my anticipation for TTK. Thanks.
Edited by Seth, Knower of Things: 8/28/2015 7:22:20 PM75% of people that live in Washington state contemplate suicide at some point. See a can make stupid stats that have nothing to do with the actual concern. In my opinion, you're just trying to get everyone angry Nolan for some stupid reason. Who cares what he says? That's none of my business. He isn't god, I don't have to follow his every post to decide if he's a good human being or not. He's a robot ghost in a video game. Saying he apologize over something he said on twitter to fill that roll is quite frankly a dumb statement. You should now apologize for YOUR dumb statement. Are you going to? Probably not, so why expect Nolan North to?