Hey Bungie, maybe not hire people that make transphobic jokes like these?
41% of transgender people attempt suicide at some point during their life. Jokes like these lead to our society not taking trans people seriously.
If you want Nolan North to do the Ghost voice for you, tell him to apologize for this comment. It has seriously lowered my anticipation for TTK. Thanks.
Who the -blam!- cares? Society gets all butt hurt over stupid shit. Guess what? If someone said shit like that about someone who is actually a woman as a joke, people would think nothing of it aside from the most extreme femenists. If he gets in trouble over such a stupid thing, it just shows how badly "protected" groups have taken advantage of the "poor me" bullshit. Also, people will forget all about this by the end of the weekend when someone else makes a comment that puts the world up in arms. So like I said, who the -blam!- cares? If you are so worried about it, you should probably rethink your life and priorities.