Hey Bungie, maybe not hire people that make transphobic jokes like these?
41% of transgender people attempt suicide at some point during their life. Jokes like these lead to our society not taking trans people seriously.
If you want Nolan North to do the Ghost voice for you, tell him to apologize for this comment. It has seriously lowered my anticipation for TTK. Thanks.
His comment has nothing to do with one being transgender or not.
I can't seem to find the #satire tag
God, people get so offended easily these days.
Can't take a joke
Holy crap, your offended by this? I'm offended that there may not be social security left by the time I retire. I'm offended that there are so many homeless people in this country. I'm offended that veterans got screwed over by our own government. Maybe it's time we reset our priorities instead of bitching about every little thing. LBGT community has every right to exist and to each there own. But maybe they don't need every single person that finds this the slightest bit offensive rushing to their aid.
So is any negative comment against a trans person transphobic?
People are way too politically correct and overly sensitive these days. This world is full of pussies now. What he said was a joke. That having been said, his voice as the Ghost is god awful in just about everything we've seen so far in Destiny. My opinion of course.
Dude no one cares
ok. Not a big deal.
If I can take whatever an atheist throws at me than a transgender can take whatever a transfobe throws at them.
Not everyone has the same. Views/beliefs as you. You're gonna need to learn to accept this
Edited by billzly: 8/29/2015 2:49:59 PM
I don't take trans people seriously.
And I give a single -blam!- because???
Welcome to the real world Boyo.
what a hero
Nobody cares
Who cares? Stop being such a politically correct pansy. The world is a cold cruel place and people will face discrimination and hardships no matter what their race, creed, or sexual orientation.
Cry baby. Boohooo.
Nah, that's not transphobic.
I imagine that as a catholic man, I have to constantly put up with the countless priest/kid touching jokes and making fun of us as whatever jokes we hear about believing in fairy tales or whatever. And that is by our societal standards, just fine. You can buy a Halloween costume of a pregnant nun or a creepy priest or even a mask of the pope and it is supposed to be fine. We should realize it is a joke and not be so sensitive. However, a joke about a transgender man/woman should be grounds for major banishment and prevent a man from working ever again. And the Caitlyn Jenner Halloween costume that is for sale on major Halloween retail websites should be banned because this is somehow damaging the credibility of safety or whatever of transgender folks. Please explain the double standard and I will gladly try to understand the position of such liberal minded mambo jumbo. Oh I forgot, not liberal minded, open minded. You care about all people. Except people who dint believe the same as you. I got it. No explanation needed.
There's nothing transphobic about that at all. How about you grow a pair of balls and learn to have a sense of humor.
Wasn't it more of a fat joke? Not every joke has some kind of phobia attached to it.