Hey Bungie, maybe not hire people that make transphobic jokes like these?
41% of transgender people attempt suicide at some point during their life. Jokes like these lead to our society not taking trans people seriously.
If you want Nolan North to do the Ghost voice for you, tell him to apologize for this comment. It has seriously lowered my anticipation for TTK. Thanks.
Give me a break..... I thought this was a destiny forum not Tumblr.
Lol and he already addressed this in a tweet right after saying "Whoa! Slow down! Earlier tweet was NOT transphobic! Not anti-Jenner! Was just a good natured jab at @charlie_adler who ain't a pretty gal!" Don't get your panties in a bunch
It's really easy to identify your gender. Look down the front of your pants.
Another moron muted. Thank you.
Who gives a shit
2nd option: take your SJW agenda elsewhere :3
I see nothing wrong here, just a man telling a woman that she's let herself go. Mean? Probably. Hateful? Not at all. Go cry "phobic" somewhere else.
Fck off with this bullshit. Hey Bungie maybe don't let douche bags post partial stories on the forums.
It's sad that the first thing people want to happen when someone maybe/possibly might say something dumb or offensive or not offensive or something we don't agree with we want crucify them/fire them/burn them/hurt them/whatever. Can't anyone make a mistake anymore and apologize? Or is that it, kill them?
So a voice actors comment on twitter that has nothing to do with destiny makes you lower your expectations of the game... Hmm... That's sooo logical
Who cares theyer freaks and know it
Political correctness is one of the pillars of a declining culture. Get a sense of humor or ignore it.
Doesn't surprise me that a douche studio like Bungie hired a douche to voice act. Par for the course.
Chill it wasn't transphobic. He was making fun of his friend. I could say about my friend, "Dude, Katie Perry looks awful!" Does that make me woman phobic? No. If he/we all believe Caitlyn Jenner to be a woman then it is no phobic but a joke. He did apologize anyway. It's not transphobic if Caitlyn herself believes she is a woman. Sooooo... STFU
Context. This post lacks it.
You know what, how he thinks and what he believes in should not be of your concern. Rule of business, it doesnt matter what he does in his personal life, I just need the guy to get his job done right. Let him think/believe what he wants Just as I am sure you would want to he treated if someone gave you ahit about your moral compass. He is a human, and like a human he is allowed to feel what he feels. If you dont agree, shrug it off and move on.
Good grief. People need to stop being so overly sensitive. Bungie hired someone to do a job. If they do that job well, then Bungie has no reason to fire them regardless of how they conduct themselves in their personal life (as long as they aren't engaged in illegal activity). I'm sorry, but if you think a random tweet that you find offensive is grounds for a company to fire someone, then you need to grow up.
Edited by dizzinator2114: 8/28/2015 6:28:44 PMThey shouldn't be taken seriously. They should have their mental state helped. People walking around saying they are the opposite sex when they are not is not only self denial, but self hate and mutilation. This is why they commit suicide, because they don't love themselves. Nothing anyone can say about you when you love yourself, but the reality is no amount of surgery will make you a real woman or man.
How soft skinned are people nowadays??? Seriously. I have no problem with gays or transgenders, but all our society does it bitch and bitch when a joke is told. Cant say "black carded" without some moron throwing the race card from here to the next galaxy over
No, posts like yours make people care less and less.
Penis And now I have offended a large number of he community because I chose a side Seriously stop crying its a joke. A real person realizes this and does not cry about phobic this and phobic that. God hates everyone equally. Stay classy
I was about to jump on the band wagon and raise a call to arms to have Nolan removed from destiny and then I clicked the link... The joke was in poor taste yes it really was a bad insensitive joke however I do t think it's was transphobic just stupid and insensitive. Unless there was something more to it than what was in that link then in which case please let me know and I'll definitely retract my statment. Should he apologize ? Yes it would make things a little easier to deal with and maybe in the future he can be a bit more careful when sharing his humor and keep it off of social media. Before I'm flamed for not 100% agreeing with the OP I'll say here and now I have been a long time supporter of the LGBT community and have done more than the average to advance the rights and liberties of the people within that community. And as always May RNGsus toll ever in your favor.... [b][i]Deus[/i][/b]
Where #satire tag?
How is that a transphobic statement... He said she was fat. "Wow Caitlyn Jenner has already let herself go" is not phobic or whatever, By your logic.... if I were to say (as a white person) that Mike Tyson is fat... I guess I'm a racist... Fvck off . You're reading too much into what you think he means. He called her fat ... Who cares
His comment has nothing to do with one being transgender or not.