Hey Bungie, maybe not hire people that make transphobic jokes like these?
41% of transgender people attempt suicide at some point during their life. Jokes like these lead to our society not taking trans people seriously.
If you want Nolan North to do the Ghost voice for you, tell him to apologize for this comment. It has seriously lowered my anticipation for TTK. Thanks.
Btw, all the ghost dialogue is [i]already[/i] finished.
Welcome to free speech.
Aint gonna earn any bravery medals if no one cracks any jokes, now is she?
If people can not tell that he is joking then they shouldn't leave their homes... or go on the internet. 41% attempt suicide. Attempt or just say they attempted? Also throw some real numbers out there. Percentages are very easy to make something look larger than what it actually is. How does one take trans people seriously? I wish you would apologize for not recognizing obvious humor and starting needless drama. Because that what society needs right now is more superficial things to complain about instead of not being babies about pretty much everything
Boo fuking hoo. Grow a pair, or not.
99% of people don't give a f*ck
Edited by TechRonin: 8/28/2015 8:36:44 PMBy using the term "transphobic" to characterize Nolan outside of a clinical setting and without a degree in Psychology you are both being extremely offensive to Nolan and to Arachnophobics and all others diagnosed with a phobia. Your insensitivity to people with mental disorders is appalling and your employer should be made aware so they can fire you to avoid being tainted by your hate speech. Thank s to XHyacinthX for pointing this out. [quote]XHyacinthX Transphobic? Not even close. Why is it that every time someone says something that disagrees in any way with with the LGBT community, the offender is automatically an "x"-phobic? Do you people even know what it means to be a phobic of something? It's a crippling fear that millions struggle to deal with every day of their lives. By tossing around that term so casually, you are demeaning and making light of those who actually have a phobia. You make them seem like they and the condition they live with are insignificant. They are just as important as all the gay/transgender people. You want to talk insensitive? Check your privilege.[/quote]
It does my heart good to read these comments, and realize that professional crybabies, and people who grasp at straws to get offended for attention, will never truly be tolerated in society.
Nobody cares...
Thats not transphobic its just a little rude.
#transphobic ~ uses correct gender pronouns... Lolwat
Shut up. If you or anyone else don't like it move to a different country. It was a joke aimed and someone else entirely.
Realistically we should always expect that there will always be that one asshole who gets way too upset for a stupid reason. Hopefully in the future we can just ignore posts like these.
Lol you asshurt foo
Calm your tits it's just a joke
You're pathetic.
Not transphobic. A little rude but that's it.
If you can't take a joke we don't need ya.
What is wrong with YOU? You're not looking forward to a DLC because one of the voice actors made a harmless joke? WHAT?!
I find it funny that you took the time to find and complain about this just like I took time to respond.....also seems like you are trying to be politically correct....
The comments here are vicious...jfc
Who gives a shit what kind of person he is, he can be a great ghost voice but a shit person, it doesn't matter
Wow. But if she/he said something like that about someone who is straight it would be fine. You want equality? Then actually treat yourself as equal, not expect the world to tip toe around and avoid making [b]JOKES[/b].
Once again, how is this transphobic?
Sigh. Get the -blam!- off the internet if you don't want to be offended. -blam!- political correctness. People can say what they want. People can express their opinions. People can make jokes. If it offends you please kindly go -blam!- your own face.