Hey Bungie, maybe not hire people that make transphobic jokes like these?
41% of transgender people attempt suicide at some point during their life. Jokes like these lead to our society not taking trans people seriously.
If you want Nolan North to do the Ghost voice for you, tell him to apologize for this comment. It has seriously lowered my anticipation for TTK. Thanks.
Wow what a damn pantywaist OP is
Lol why do people get so sensitive over that person?
Get out of here with that. Seriously.
Come on its clearly a joke.
Give a benefit of doubt before you crucify someone; Fox News.
That wasn't even offensive, what are you smoking ? Bunch of babies
You don't have a right to not be offended.
Oh god. Please leave. If you et your feelings hurt at everything then nobody even wants you here.
Second thoughts cancel your order, delete the Destiny app and stop posting on here.
Apparently people arent allowed to have opinions
Does it really matter? If you do something that people don't agree with, of course they're gonna laugh at ya because you're weird. This isn't a very strongly supported statement, but please dude, just chill and don't complain about a petty tweet making you not as hyped for a release.
I personally don't care who says what because everyone is to damn sensitive I say anything it offends someone. Stop caring what others think and care about what you think your life will be so much better.
Hey guys if you get hurt / offended easily won't survive.
Really? I guess the "Call me Caitlyn" Halloween costume offends you too. Sheesh.
And people have no sense of humor
Edited by awsome903: 8/28/2015 10:06:22 PMI wish all of those "things" just up and left. Grow a pair.
Edited by OhtheHugeManity: 8/28/2015 10:04:55 PMGG no RE
Trying to force other grown men to apologize is more offensive than anything.
At least he used herself...
How is this transphobic? Honestly want to know, just seems like a joke to me. Is it bad solely for the reason that she is trans, or is it the content of the joke? Again, not trying to be an insensitive ass, just generally want to understand. Thanks.
Trannys are freaks. Wtf is wrong with people that sympathise with them and believe bruge Jenner is a hero ?? He's a freak who is also a killer.
Transphobic is saying "I hate trans people" or "Trans people should die" not "I think that trans person isn't attractive." The logic that what Nolan North said is transphobic is easily the most backhanded logic I've seen in a while. God help anyone who's not trans even say the word. Like you people who tear someone to shreds if they had the [i]audacity[/i] to say they didn't like Caitlyn Jenner. It doesn't even have to be because she's trans, if someone doesn't like her for some other reason, it's still somehow transphobic. Which is exactly what you've illustrated here. "OMG YOU DON'T AGREE WITH ME YOU'RE TRANSPHOBIIICCC!!!!"
What is transphobia? This must be made up or something.
Transgender people are insane. You were born a gender, suck it up, no one cares if you "WANT" to be the other gender, they sound like toddlers. Leave that to people who are actually born differently. I swear half of them just want attention.
Lol go home Bruce your drunk.