Hey Bungie, maybe not hire people that make transphobic jokes like these?
41% of transgender people attempt suicide at some point during their life. Jokes like these lead to our society not taking trans people seriously.
If you want Nolan North to do the Ghost voice for you, tell him to apologize for this comment. It has seriously lowered my anticipation for TTK. Thanks.
This may be the worst forum post ive ever seen...
Jesus christ, it was a -blam!-en joke. People these days take everything much to serious. He shouldn't have to apologize for a joke ( a crappy one at that) just because some sensitive prick can't take a joke.
Oh geez..let's hang the guy. The world is full of pussies these days and it's not the good ones.
Crap , did the world stop again ? Sometimes I imagine what few WWII vets we have left see when they look at this world . I mean for gods sake , they gave Kaitlyn Jenner the ESPY award for courage. Why was He/She even a candidate . We cannot change the world every time someone gets their feelings hurt. Comments like these are just beyond ridiculous .
Get over it. Political correctness is destroying the first amendment and threatens the entire world virtual censorship. "You can say whatever you want, as long as it isn't this, this or that." It's ok to make fun of this group of people but not that one. Grow a spine. Unless you want to surgically alter it to make yourself an invertebrate. Why not? Maybe that'll be the next thing. "I was born a human but I don't -feel- like one!" Uh oh. I've just started a thing and offended everyone too. Git gud, scrubs.
Its a good thing they commit suicide. We don't need those kind of people here anyways...
I don't think this has anything to do with Bungie. Like, at all. Grow up.
You're stupid if you think Nolan was saying anything bad about Jenner. He was talking about his friend Charlie Adler. People like you will be the ones to start WW3.
I'm not transphobic, but I thought that was pretty funny.
[quote] 41% of transgender people attempt suicide at some point [/quote] Survival of the fittest
People are overly sensitive these days...
[quote]If you want Nolan North to do the Ghost voice for you, tell him to apologize for this comment. It has seriously lowered my anticipation for TTK. Thanks.[/quote] If you think the audio hasn't already been recorded and finalized, you're a bigger idiot than you make yourself out to be.
Edited by T Moneyzz: 8/28/2015 11:55:49 PMGet the -blam!- back to scumblr Also Jenner is a murderer
Christ if you people's skin was any thinner you would be a taint.
I say grow a pair and stop being so sensitive.
You idiot
Please stop. You're giving the LGBT community a bad name. He made a terrible joke about his followers terrible picture. Nothing there.
I am transphobic. I hate all Transformers. Go Bots rule.
I am a huge supporter of LGTB rights. I'm not trans but I did not find that transphobic. It was a joke directed at someone trans but not about being trans. I think this is nothing. Side note. Never head of this person until they said he was the new voice.
You must be a Social justice warrior. Go somewhere else please. This is a video game forum.
Shut up
I think he's a very funny awesome person If he believe that then that's him
Dang, you won't get far in life if you are concerned about other people's opinion. Who cares, im phobic to all the politically correct nonsense out there. Grow a pair and deal with other people's opinions that differ from yours.
Edited by StupidSlinky: 8/29/2015 3:50:56 AM83.658² % of suicidal people are too chicken shit to do it. Of that 24.46¹% become "pitty me" babies. 35.q% of that 24 and 60ish.something% of the original 83 grow balls and/or get laid And realize their life is just peachy. 5% of something in there are trannys, gays, Donald trump, a Mexican, Op, and... a cheeseburger made from 43.75688% chicken wing. Moral of the story.. statistics are garbage and meaningless, Get over it :) Edit shank you all for the support on this... dreary topic :) May you never have to be stuck in a closet with a suicidal tranny
Are you serious? Stfu. It's honestly sad that people can't take jokes like these.