The video states that we will be able to ascend our exotics [b]OVER TIME[/b].
New Y2 exotics will likely not be as powerful as the old ones also.
From the weekly: Which Exotics will be available in Year Two? In addition to a bunch of brand new Exotics for you to discover in Year Two, we’re redesigning and redeploying select Exotics from Year OneFor example: No Backup Plans has been redesignedWe significantly extended the duration of the old perk “Improved Disintegrate” Did you redesign Gjallarhorn? Gjallarhorn will remain a Year One Exotic at Year One levels So which is it? From the weekly it appears all exotics are not going to be considered for year 2. This magazine/article indicates otherwise. Is it poor communication on bungies part as the above gives the appearance not everything will be given a year 2 upgrade or is it something else? I mean, if it was their intention all along, why not just say it, either in the reveal or forums? This whole thing smells funny. Personally I wouldn't hedge my bets you'll be able to keep the majority of exotics current.