I think he's hilarious if I'm honest. Bit cringe worthy sometimes but still gives me a good laugh. My favourite video he has done is the "I'm sorry" shoulder charge montage I'm not sure how many times Iv watched it hahaha
I don't think I ever cringed at his videos but he makes me smile so he's good in my book
That's all that matters I religiously check his YouTube everyday for his newest videos while I'm having a smoke :p
After watching the reveal I might start watching his channel he had me cracking up
If you thought he was funny in the reveal you'll probably like him. He's a lot funnier in videos
He's a funny guy. He does try a little hard sometimes. But he still pulls it off. Please check that video I mentioned^^ I'm not sure if it's his song choice for that montage but I just love it haha
I will when I get a chance