1) Fifty different ways to find a Tower map. (Robots everywhere, app, etc.) No maps of the actual levels. Maps pls. Russian basement doesn't count.
2) I still need my radar and health bar even though I just completed a public event, strike, etc. Pls make banner smaller and offset right so it doesn't cover my radar and health bar. Pls k thx.
3) Vanguard gear should rotate stats and weapon bonuses just like Trials gear. Pls.
4) Patrol mode opens everything. If that means we have to beat all the story missions first to unlock all the doors, so be it. Also, less invisible barriers. I want to climb stuff. Pls.
5) A default faction shader unlocks at low level. Make it easy to look like your faction as you're building up a set of armor. Save the cool ones for higher level or RNG. Pls.
6) Loading screen ship combat mini-game for glimmer. Srsly.
7) Make a Gjallarhorn 2.2 and just give it to me. Pls. K thx.
Edit: 8) When you retire legendary gear due to new expansion, drop it to rare status, same stats and light levels, and make it a crucible or strike reward rare drop. Pls.
[i]In a world where MasonJC360 finds a Destiny post to comment on...[/i] Pls