2 questions.
When you go to mars the warmind there has been taken over my Rasputin..why?
And second in the new monarchy grimoire card he says that he's always watching the speaker and doesn't trust him or his motives also why?
[quote]2 questions. When you go to mars the warmind there has been taken over my Rasputin..why?[/quote] Rasputin, the last remaining Warmind, is trying to revive his fallen brother and sister Warminds. The one on Mars goes by the name Charlemagne (like the King and like the Bnet mentor and lore enthusiast) [quote] And second in the new monarchy grimoire card he says that he's always watching the speaker and doesn't trust him or his motives also why?[/quote] New Monarchy does two things: Attempt to rule and make progress The Speaker is another person preventing New Monarchy from ascending to the throne and, according to Osiris, the speaker is a charlatan impeding progress
Rasputin is protecting the last vestiges of the Mars Warmind. After all, all of the Warminds were like brothers and sisters
The speaker was originally a bad guy and was linked to the traveller who was also bad, not sure in what capacity though.