Just played it today.
Not a fan of it.
It's basically the same Call of Duty.
Not as fast as AW
Some specialists abilities are too op while others are weaker.
Movement abilities are nothing special. I actually really dislike them.
Maps don't feel designed for the movement abilities.
Guns are kinda balanced.
That's all I can thing of for now.
Only playing because my friend gave me a beta code.
Fair enough, the maps have a lot of wall running areas. Try the outside of the maps for flanking wall runs. I didn't notice you could run on the very outside of maps until day 3.
I know it's just that they feel forced in the maps.
Imo it felt like while the maps have several designated area to utilize movement abilities, often times you're more likely to just be shot off of a wall by a guy camping somewhere rather than do some badass wallrun trick shot.