We have all seen the new weapons that bungie has let us get a glimpse of in TTK.
But to my surprise is that we have seen Häkke offering a auto an pulse rifle, shotgun, and the #IronBanner sidearm. But no scout rifle, hand cannon or sniper rifle.
Omolon selling a scout and fusion rifle, hand cannon, and that sexy sniper rifle. But no auto rifle (unless it'll be hard light) or shotgun.
Then there's Suros selling its quite elegant weapons but no hand cannon, sniper or shotgun.
Now before someone (mainly those who think they know more about what's coming in year two but really have no clue at all) starts calling me out saying that that's all of the weapons the foundries are making. Period.
So I ask you, the community on your insights of what you think, what would the Häkke scout rifle look like? Or an Omolon auto rifle or shotgun? The floor is yours community/forums!
(Please keep in mind that everyone is entitled to his or hers opinions, so let's have an educational discussion instead of the uncivilized arguments that happens in the forums)
Looking forward to what all of you have to say
Personally I would like to have tex mechanica or crux lonar fill in the missing types