Wait a second HotBG... Dude that's it!! They're trying to hack time and dimensional travel!! The vex might think they're honeypotting them, but the cabal are honestly trying their hardest to learn how to get the hell outta dodge!!
Except it still doesn't make sense why they're fighting guardians -.-
And why they suck vs vex. Seriously... Do not wear solar shields vs vex. That's DUMB. And arc/solar damage is NOTHING to vex!! What're you thinking val'dumbas??
They are designed to fight Hive, not vex. They were ill equipped for Mars and it's challenges (though they are doing ok).
Ok welllllll... Makes a little sense. But again, why so hostile? And how king have they been here on Mars?
They were most likely running away from oryx while the rest of the cabal empire was busy fighting them, or they were sent to Mars to figure out the black garden and vex secrets. The former is more likely, as they are ill equipped to fight the Vex located on Mars. However, while running from the Hive, they stumbled upon the Vex and the black garden. At the time, humanity was still on Mars, hence the hostile take over. Remember: the cabal blow up moons just for getting in their way. They are extremely aggressive and militant, which means diplomacy isn't an option, even when facing their enemy.
Their arsenal is built to fight Hive. Explosive weapons are good for staggering large targets, and the minigun is great for mowing down Thrall. Phalanx shields look like they can withstand a cleaver blow, and Colossi could definitely face off against an Ogre. Psions are small and quick, perfect for taking on large, lumbering Knights
Chocolate chip...