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Edited by Immørtal Fulgrim: 8/26/2015 8:06:12 AM
[b][i]Umbra is an Alpha Legion, master assassin who is loyal to the Summoner and allied with the Cult of Armageddon.[/i][/b] [b][i]Status:[/i][/b] [i]Alive[/i] [b][i]Class:[/i][/b] [i]Assassin/Rogue Mistwalker[/i] [b][i]Physique:[/i][/b] [i]Umbra stands roughly 13ft tall, and wields a pale colored set of battle plate while the ghostly eyes of his helmet glow bright blue. He dual wields plasma blades that burn with white hot intensity. Although this is his appearance, he spends most his time in mist form to avoid detection.[/i] [b][i]Abilities:[/i][/b] [i][u]Mistwalker[/u] - Umbra can dematerialize his body into mist, then he is able to avoids physical damage and enter buildings and inaccessible areas via vents and under doors. He is able to control mist and use it as a weapon.[/i] [b][i]Umbra In Action:[/i][/b] [spoiler][b][i]Chapter 8.7.1 - Umbra's Warpath[/i][/b] [i] An ominous sounding church bell echoes through the gloomy streets of a secluded section of the 66th district of the Golden City, disturbing a murder of crows from their rooftop perches. Thick fog makes it's way through the district, reducing visibility to zero for the 50 legionnaires hunting their target. "I can't see anything in this shit, sir" says one of the legionnaires as they continue the search. "He's out here, stay sharp" says the sergeant. [b]A figure stirs the mist as a static hiss reaches the ears of the men. The legionnaires shoulder their weapons and approach silently.[/b] [b]Moments later, the sergeant stops the men - 7 legionnaires are missing.[/b][/i] [i] "WHAT THE FU-" yells one of the legionnaires before he is torn in half by a hulking, 13ft tall warrior in pale armor. Blood splatters across it's surface as the ghostly, blue glowing eyes penetrate the fog on conical rays of light - the legionnaires unleash a hellish assault.[/i] Goes along with the next part [b][i] Umbra vanishes into a giant puff of mist that streaks through the air as he evades the horrendous burst of fire. Fully automatic bolters and heavy weapons fire banishes all the shadows with brilliant, strobing, muzzle flashes. Tracer rounds, rockets, and plasma bolts are fired wildly and scream through the air, impacting ferrocrete roads and buildings nearby - the legionnaires are firing blindly into the fog with a tremendous amount of fire power, but fail to hit their target. From the left, the men see the terrifying, glowing blue eyes of the hulking Alpha legionnaire as his smokey form quickly closes the distance through the mist and to them. The legionnaires draw their chainswords. Umbra rematerializes from the fog right in front of the legionnaires as he draws his twin, white hot glowing, plasma blades - he handsprings past the whirring blades of the legionnaires, hacking off limbs with his resonating power blades. Legionnaires come at him from all angles as his flawless form dances among them, delivering death strikes with lethal precision, and dodging anything they can throw at him. A point blank shot from a bolter catches Umbra off guard, and staggers him, leaving an opening for one of the men to land a hit.. But as the whirring chainsword draws near, Umbra explodes into a cloud of smokey mist, and rematerializes behind his opponent - he bashes the hilt of his plasma blade through the skull of the legionnaire, gore and brain matter splatter everywhere. Umbra tears the head off the legionnaire next to him, pivots to the left, and hurls the bloody head at the legionnaire who fired the shot at him - it connects with his face and staggers him backwards. Umbra explodes into mist, rematerializes behind the backwards staggering legionnaire, and impales him through the chest with both plasma blades, lifting him off the ground. Umbra overloads the blades' power fields as the impaled legionnaire kicks and struggles - the roaring blades vaporize the legionnaire in seconds. Within 30 seconds, all of the legionnaires have been reduced to bloody, mutilated corpses. Umbra then dematerializes back into the fog... And waits for anyone foolish enough to pursue him.[/i][/b][/spoiler]
#rob #fulgrim

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  • [b]Name[/b]: Horus [b]Gender[/b]: male [b]Skills[/b]: Melee weapons expert, and knows many types of fighting styles and martial arts, making him deadly unarmed as well. He's accomplished fees such as dodging arrows, though he only has done this twice, and from about medium range. He also seems to have a bit of magic potential, but has yet to harness it [b]Bio[/b]: He never shares much about his past, other than he survived The Deserts as he calls them, and this is what has made him strong. He found his way here and now works as an freelance fighter. That's all anyone's been able to get out of him so far [b]Appearance[/b]: Sand robes with black trim, sleeveless with a black Egyptian eye on he back and shoulders, the same on his right eye. He's Jamaican, has black cornrows, and is blind, learning to literally use echolocation (yes people can do this, look it up). Under his robes he wears black pants, and under this and on his chest he wears armour. [b]Weapons[/b] (assuming we start with some): Dual brass knuckles he wears, the knuckles have sand coloured gems in them. He calls these the Eyes of Horus. He also has two Gladius (blades look like they are made of sand, the same gems in the pommel as the knuckles) that he hides up his sleeves. [b]Abilites:[/b] Can create sand around him, along with manipulate it and create weapons as strong as diamond out of it.

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  • Edited by jj1042: 9/1/2015 11:37:10 PM
    This is here because of me and Umbra's fight, and Ful linked me here. [spoiler]Okay, typing all my gear and abilities would be easier.[/spoiler] Age: mid-twenties. Male Well rounded build. Gear: [spoiler]I basically have Samus' armor with modifications. So, I have Plasma (heat), Wave (electric), Ice, and Power (Kinetic). Then, I have the Light and Dark beams from Prime 2, along with the Annihilate beam, which tracks my target. I have the Combat, thermal, x-ray, and Scan visors. The scan visor allows me to get info on the target, such as recent wounds, age, weight, and obvious weaknesses along with other information. I also have the Echo visor, which can pick up sounds and show me their location, and the Dark visor, which can pick up life forces at the cost of high amounts of energy from my suit. I have three layers of Space marine armor, Durasteel carrier plating, and Vibranium with liquid coolant in between them all. I can withstand standing inside of a live volcano thanks to the Varia function, and move at regular speeds underwater because of the Gravity function, and stay grounded in zero gravity, and breathe in space using my helmet. I have thruster pack on the lower back of my suit, allowing me to run on walls and wall jump quickly. I also have the Speed Booster from Super Metroid, along with the Shinespark. I also have the Hyper beam, and the wave buster. The Hyper Beam takes all of my suit's energy and ammo, and the Wave Buster only activates if I'm EMP'd. And finally, I can channel huge amounts of energy and magic into my cannon when you severely piss me off, which is the Despair Beam. It's super powered version on the Hyper beam, and literally sends anything that it can penetrate to a separate dimension. However, it doesn't go through everything. It will burn a hole all the way through any tank character's armor so that it exposes their chest, but doesn't instantly kill them. On to my gear after the suit deactivates. After the suit falls off, I have a black T-shirt, blue jeans, chainmail, running shoes and nothing else. For weaponry, I have a sword, shield, bow, bombs and a boomerang. The sword is indestructible due to enchantments, and I can expand the blade in width or length with hardlight. The shield is also indestructible for the same reason, and can block mental attacks if I focus on the shield. The bow comes equipped with regular, fire, ice and Light arrows. Light arrows attack the soul of whatever they hit. End gear section, on to abilities.[/spoiler] Abilities: [spoiler]Universal copy: I can copy the ability of a character from any fictional universe, and other characters in this universe. However, I won't just make up abilities, and if it's from another universe, it'll be pretty basic. Such as, super speed, growing wings, etc... Z-Soul: Once damaged enough, I can preform hard hitting, but easy to see attacks. My character is quite reckless and hotheaded once angry and hurt, so.... I can also do thing like teleport enemies when in this state. Rage and Despair: Rage is a red armor made of energy created with Z-soul and the raw power of Universal copy. Same for Despair, but it's a black sword. They gain or lose energy based on my emotions, and can be incredibly powerful. I can also use my life force to power them astronomically. Despair has the same properties of my sword, and Rage can regenerate holes. Soulfire: I can use my immortality, Z-soul, and Universal copy once I'm dead or near death to either recover some health, or come back to life for a VERY short amount of time with immense power. If I'm forced to resurrect, you've won the battle.[/spoiler] And there you go.

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