I understand. just wanted to explain my dislike of the spot now rather than later etc. opinions, after all. (for some more clarification: my tone is and has been impartial, i didnt mean personal jabs. you did kill sekiron solo so i wouldnt think that spot would be too much to handle for you. again it was a generalization.)
Apologize if my tone came across wrong as well. I was just debating and discussing. No negatively meant towards you at all! I appreciate the conversation and the opinions.
no offense taken. i never assume tone from text anyways, aside from the obvious stuff like "you bundle-of-sticks!!" and the like. this... this is so RARE! civil discussions!! o_O
Did you just call me civil? You bundle of sticks! Kidding kidding. Civil discussions and debating is the best way to converse when having opposing views or opinions. I just wish some others would understand that, like you obviously do. Have a good one!