Funny u post this,cause me and my friend (who's fairly new) were in IB not too long ago and while playing,he gets tbagged by some 27 who thinks he's a legit gamer or whatever. My friend is 32 but there was some lag and that guy even got me with just 2 melee swings(Iono just didnt seem logical considering its IB). Anyways, I see it happen as a matter of fact,so I run up on him,beat his head in and take a couple quick knees over his ghost. Tbagging is just one of my hot switches but I'm sure we all know tbagging etiquette,give what you take. I never tbag until it's done to me and only to the dude who did it. But this bubble blowing dick tip,I just couldn't stand. Sometime into the game,respawn,turn the corner,it's him throwing a bubble apparently in panic and I just had to pop that sheit as soon as he threw it. Game ends with victory+clutch medal. Stay in matchmaking and next game same dudes on my team. While capturing C on burning shrine,this guy starts to melee me and starts humping my leg (attempt to tbag apparently) game goes on and I go on the killing spree of my life. Every nade I throw,super effective. 36 kills I think with K/d of 3.11. And then I get a message from this guy talkin bout "how my nuts taste in ur mouth?" I was like ,"is this guy foreal?" Then I get into it with this guy,losing myself to the thought that arguing with this guy is too easy. Oh man if only I could show the conversation. In the end he blocks me ,after he messaged me that boo in the first place. He was talking about how I was too dumb to realized I was being trolled,but by the time he said that,he was convincing me that he enjoys his orbs rested on top of his forehead. He calls me a B,a scrub,this and that and I can't help how easy it was to just turn it around on him. I'm just left thinking,"what just happened? Feels like it's always been there but there's a good percentile of people who are just unrelenting buttholes who feel if they put u down or hype themselves up that it'll make better what is clearly wrong." I dunno,just wanted to share and get thoughts on it.
1. Somewhat interesting story, but common to come across. 2. From the way you describe this individual it is most definitely a young kid between the ages of 11-15. 3. Hit [enter] after a 4-5 sentences and learn some basic grammar so your post isn't a chore to read. Yes i did strain my eyes to read the entire post. People appreciate posts that are typed well, that is just how it is.
1.) hmm seems like your type of response is too. (Common to come across.) 2.)when you find out,let me know I guess? 3.)[quote]Hit [enter] after a 4-5 sentences and learn some basic grammar so your post isn't a chore to read.[/quote] Check yours before a 3-5 words. I didn't glue you to a chair and make you read it. I agree,I do like properly worded forum post,thank you for
Of course,how could I have been so blind
Meant that I agree with you POV and I hate ppl like that... Should have been more detailed sorry
Naa don't be yo,it's coo.