it was a generalization: most people sit up there to avoid dealing with ads/not participate in the fight/etc. its still my opinion though that staying up there is bad. (and as for dying: ok, i thought as much but all you said was death by fall, so....)[I also judge people by play styles, generally not load-outs. because if you died up there, as a voidwalker no less, how would you be of help then? how would your hypothetical good team help you? you can still die there too, not only by the Minotaur but Sekiron himself can shoot you, and some snipers. THAT is why i dont like that spot.]
after that i agree they were poop "team-mates" and deserved what you gave 'em 100%
I would switch to sunsinger. And since there's a constant re spawning major every 30 seconds, I have self res in no time. And just to be clear... You can be damaged by the boss and ads up top AND down bottom. I never said I only play up top, I said I chose to play up top that run.
I understand. just wanted to explain my dislike of the spot now rather than later etc. opinions, after all. (for some more clarification: my tone is and has been impartial, i didnt mean personal jabs. you did kill sekiron solo so i wouldnt think that spot would be too much to handle for you. again it was a generalization.)
Apologize if my tone came across wrong as well. I was just debating and discussing. No negatively meant towards you at all! I appreciate the conversation and the opinions.
no offense taken. i never assume tone from text anyways, aside from the obvious stuff like "you bundle-of-sticks!!" and the like. this... this is so RARE! civil discussions!! o_O
Did you just call me civil? You bundle of sticks! Kidding kidding. Civil discussions and debating is the best way to converse when having opposing views or opinions. I just wish some others would understand that, like you obviously do. Have a good one!